На нашем сайте представлены 8 книг автора Hugh Dellar. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Innovations is a new general English course for classes looking for new material with a fresh approach. Based on a language-rich, lexical/grammatical syllabus, it starts from the kinds of natural conversations that learners want to have. - Presents and practises vocabulary, collocations, fixed expressions, and more idiomatic language; - Motivates learners by presenting interesting and unusua...
Outcomes is a completely new general English course in which: - Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings; - CEF goals are the focus of communication activities where students learn and practice the language they need to have conversations in English; - Clear outcomes in every lesson of every unit provide students wi...
This book is written to help you feel comfortable with normal everyday spoken English. It starts from the natural conversations people have - and then teaches you the language you need to have conversations like this in English! To make this process interesting for you, the Innovations series: - has lots of examples of how grammar and vocabulary are really used.You can learn a lot of u...
PC Instructions: 1. Insert CD into drive. 2. Double-click on "My Computer" icon or navigate to your CD-ROM drive. 3. Double-click on the "ExamView" icon. 4. Double-click on "Manual.pdf". MAC Instructions: 1. Insert CD into drive. 2. Double-click on the "ExamView" icon. 3. Double-click on "Manual.pdf".
"Innovations" is a new five-level English course for classes looking for new material with a fresh approach. Based on a language-rich, lexical/grammatical syllabus, it starts from the kinds of natural conversations that learners want to have.
Outcomes is a completely new general English course in which: - Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings; - CEF goals are the focus of communication activities where students learn and practice the language they need to have conversations in English; - Clear outcomes in every lesson of every unit provide students wi...
Outcomes is a completely new general English course in which: - Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings; - CEF goals are the focus of communication activities where students learn and practice the language they need to have conversations in English; - Clear outcomes in every lesson of every unit provide students...
Perspectives is a four-skills series in American and British English that teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. The carefully-guided language lessons, real-world stories, and TED Talks motivate learners to think creatively and communicate effectively. In Perspectives, learners develop an open mind, a critical eye and a...
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