На нашем сайте представлены 19 книг автора Tom Hutchinson. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
New Hotline\s a revised edition of Hotline, the highly successful English course for teenagers. New Hotline retains all the strengths of the original course reinforced and updated with the addition of new and improved features. The four-level course may be started at beginner level (New Hotline Starter) or false beginner level {New Hotline Elementary). New Hotline will take students to an inter...
Key features - An analytical approach to grammar with varied practice - A clear vocabulary syllabus in lexical sets - Cartoons, games, project work and traditional songs and stories - Culture sections encourage comparison with students' own cultures - New English across the curriculum sections reflect topics students meet in other subjects - Brand new Culture DVDs highlight ...
This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before. Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are ...
This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before. Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are ...
Inspiring the next generation. Project fourth edition uses the proven methodology of Project in a new engaging format. This new refreshed edition of the best-selling Project course will inspire your students, with redesigned cartoons, new compelling exercises and a flexible innovative digital package.
Project third edition is a five-level primary and secondary English course, trusted by teachers and loved by students worldwide.
Tom Hutchinson has taught English in the UK, Germany, and Croatia, and he has given teacher training courses in many other countries around the world. For a number of years he lectured at the Institute for English Language Education at Lancaster University, UK.
This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before. Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are ...
New Hotline\s a revised edition of Hotline, the highly successful English course for teenagers. New Hotline retains all the strengths of the original course reinforced and updated with the addition of new and improved features. The four-level course may be started at beginner level (New Hotline Starter) or false beginner level {New Hotline Elementary). New Hotline will take students to an inter...
Key features - An analytical approach to grammar with varied practice - A clear vocabulary syllabus in lexical sets - Cartoons, games, project work and traditional songs and stories - Culture sections encourage comparison with students' own cultures - New English across the curriculum sections reflect topics students meet in other subjects - Brand new Culture DVDs highlight ...
This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before. Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are ...
This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before. Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are ...
Inspiring the next generation. Project fourth edition uses the proven methodology of Project in a new engaging format. This new refreshed edition of the best-selling Project course will inspire your students, with redesigned cartoons, new compelling exercises and a flexible innovative digital package.
Project third edition is a five-level primary and secondary English course, trusted by teachers and loved by students worldwide.
Tom Hutchinson has taught English in the UK, Germany, and Croatia, and he has given teacher training courses in many other countries around the world. For a number of years he lectured at the Institute for English Language Education at Lancaster University, UK.
This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before. Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are ...
New Hotline\s a revised edition of Hotline, the highly successful English course for teenagers. New Hotline retains all the strengths of the original course reinforced and updated with the addition of new and improved features. The four-level course may be started at beginner level (New Hotline Starter) or false beginner level {New Hotline Elementary). New Hotline will take students to an inter...
Key features - An analytical approach to grammar with varied practice - A clear vocabulary syllabus in lexical sets - Cartoons, games, project work and traditional songs and stories - Culture sections encourage comparison with students' own cultures - New English across the curriculum sections reflect topics students meet in other subjects - Brand new Culture DVDs highlight ...
This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before. Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are ...
This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before. Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are ...
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