На нашем сайте представлены 23 книги автора Эллы Франк. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Good and bad. Right and wrong. Life would be easy if things were always that simple. That’s never been the case for Henri Boudreaux. Son of a criminal. Ex-boyfriend to a Priest. Henri's made a career out of getting in trouble and avoiding the law. So when he winds up in bed with it, he knows that things are about to get…complicated. But what’s life without taking a few risks? And what’s...
Рассказ о любви, страсти и смеха... между друзьями. Каждый рассказ ответит нам на вопрос — что произойдет, когда тот, кто предназначен тебе, был рядом все это время?
True - adjective: That which is accurate or exact. I dare you to try. I think you’re my truth. Terrify me. Marry me. Marry me. Marry me... Four years ago, Logan Mitchell walked into Tate’s life and challenged him to see it differently. He dared Tate to try a kiss, when normally he wouldn’t have. He begged him to take a chance, when he probably shouldn’t have. But most important...
People are complex. Love a double-edged sword. And when it comes to a broken heart, there are no rules, only time? For the past eight years, Julien Thornton has been living with a secret. One that only a handful of people know about. To the outside world, he has it all. A thriving career. A loving husband. And a face that the American public fell for by the millions, on a reality sho...
I am complex. My love is all-encompassing. And when it comes to my heart, there is only one rule: Don?t mess with what?s mine. Until the age of seven, I was Joel Alexander Donovan, son of Jimmy. The man who terrorized a town and made its citizens fear the very ground he walked on. Including me, the day I realized that ground ran red with blood. At age eighteen, I became Priest. A man wit...
What do you do when the one you least expect to matter… Ends up mattering the most? Derek Pearson likes to think he’s an easygoing guy. Uncomplicated, upfront, and unapologetic with what he wants. His what you see is what you get attitude is on prominent display for anyone who cares to look, and his foul mouth is right there to back it up should you miss the point. However, what you see i...
It's time to come home, Finn. It?s been seven years since Daniel Finley left his hometown in Florida for the hustle and bustle of Chicago?s city life. Since then, he?s worked hard for his position at the prestigious law firm Leighton & Associates, even when it?s caused distance and isolation from his family and friends. But that?s all about to change. On his thirtieth birthday, he receives...
Серия: Повелители монстров. Книга первая ОПАСНОЕ ОЧАРОВАНИЕ Получив в дар от старейшины Василиоса вечную жизнь, Аласдэр Кириакос стал самым ужасным и беспощадным среди существующих вампиров. Его знают и уважают на всех семи континентах. Аласдэр загадочен и не похож на других себялюбцев. Он, как и другие, любит наслаждаться плотью, но крайне разборчив в выборе партнеров и гордится своей железно...
USA TODAY bestselling authors Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine conclude the story of sexy Fallen Angel rockers Viper and Halo in ANGEL. As Fallen Angel embarks on their worldwide Corruption tour, frontman Halo is forced to deal with his newfound fame, as well as his intense feelings for his bandmate, Viper. Because now Halo has everything he ever dreamed of and one surprise he never expected: a b...
Black and white. Right and wrong. That’s how Craig Bailey has always lived his life. The son of a fallen, decorated police officer, He’s had no choice but to follow the rules. Until he met the ultimate bad boy and decided to follow him instead. Henri Boudreaux is everything Bailey never knew he wanted. Mysterious, sexy, and hiding more secrets than friends. He’s exactly the kind of man B...
Good and bad. Right and wrong. Life would be easy if things were always that simple. That’s never been the case for Henri Boudreaux. Son of a criminal. Ex-boyfriend to a Priest. Henri's made a career out of getting in trouble and avoiding the law. So when he winds up in bed with it, he knows that things are about to get…complicated. But what’s life without taking a few risks? And what’s...
Рассказ о любви, страсти и смеха... между друзьями. Каждый рассказ ответит нам на вопрос — что произойдет, когда тот, кто предназначен тебе, был рядом все это время?
True - adjective: That which is accurate or exact. I dare you to try. I think you’re my truth. Terrify me. Marry me. Marry me. Marry me... Four years ago, Logan Mitchell walked into Tate’s life and challenged him to see it differently. He dared Tate to try a kiss, when normally he wouldn’t have. He begged him to take a chance, when he probably shouldn’t have. But most important...
People are complex. Love a double-edged sword. And when it comes to a broken heart, there are no rules, only time? For the past eight years, Julien Thornton has been living with a secret. One that only a handful of people know about. To the outside world, he has it all. A thriving career. A loving husband. And a face that the American public fell for by the millions, on a reality sho...
I am complex. My love is all-encompassing. And when it comes to my heart, there is only one rule: Don?t mess with what?s mine. Until the age of seven, I was Joel Alexander Donovan, son of Jimmy. The man who terrorized a town and made its citizens fear the very ground he walked on. Including me, the day I realized that ground ran red with blood. At age eighteen, I became Priest. A man wit...
What do you do when the one you least expect to matter… Ends up mattering the most? Derek Pearson likes to think he’s an easygoing guy. Uncomplicated, upfront, and unapologetic with what he wants. His what you see is what you get attitude is on prominent display for anyone who cares to look, and his foul mouth is right there to back it up should you miss the point. However, what you see i...
It's time to come home, Finn. It?s been seven years since Daniel Finley left his hometown in Florida for the hustle and bustle of Chicago?s city life. Since then, he?s worked hard for his position at the prestigious law firm Leighton & Associates, even when it?s caused distance and isolation from his family and friends. But that?s all about to change. On his thirtieth birthday, he receives...
Серия: Повелители монстров. Книга первая ОПАСНОЕ ОЧАРОВАНИЕ Получив в дар от старейшины Василиоса вечную жизнь, Аласдэр Кириакос стал самым ужасным и беспощадным среди существующих вампиров. Его знают и уважают на всех семи континентах. Аласдэр загадочен и не похож на других себялюбцев. Он, как и другие, любит наслаждаться плотью, но крайне разборчив в выборе партнеров и гордится своей железно...
USA TODAY bestselling authors Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine conclude the story of sexy Fallen Angel rockers Viper and Halo in ANGEL. As Fallen Angel embarks on their worldwide Corruption tour, frontman Halo is forced to deal with his newfound fame, as well as his intense feelings for his bandmate, Viper. Because now Halo has everything he ever dreamed of and one surprise he never expected: a b...
Black and white. Right and wrong. That’s how Craig Bailey has always lived his life. The son of a fallen, decorated police officer, He’s had no choice but to follow the rules. Until he met the ultimate bad boy and decided to follow him instead. Henri Boudreaux is everything Bailey never knew he wanted. Mysterious, sexy, and hiding more secrets than friends. He’s exactly the kind of man B...
Good and bad. Right and wrong. Life would be easy if things were always that simple. That’s never been the case for Henri Boudreaux. Son of a criminal. Ex-boyfriend to a Priest. Henri's made a career out of getting in trouble and avoiding the law. So when he winds up in bed with it, he knows that things are about to get…complicated. But what’s life without taking a few risks? And what’s...
Рассказ о любви, страсти и смеха... между друзьями. Каждый рассказ ответит нам на вопрос — что произойдет, когда тот, кто предназначен тебе, был рядом все это время?
True - adjective: That which is accurate or exact. I dare you to try. I think you’re my truth. Terrify me. Marry me. Marry me. Marry me... Four years ago, Logan Mitchell walked into Tate’s life and challenged him to see it differently. He dared Tate to try a kiss, when normally he wouldn’t have. He begged him to take a chance, when he probably shouldn’t have. But most important...
People are complex. Love a double-edged sword. And when it comes to a broken heart, there are no rules, only time? For the past eight years, Julien Thornton has been living with a secret. One that only a handful of people know about. To the outside world, he has it all. A thriving career. A loving husband. And a face that the American public fell for by the millions, on a reality sho...
I am complex. My love is all-encompassing. And when it comes to my heart, there is only one rule: Don?t mess with what?s mine. Until the age of seven, I was Joel Alexander Donovan, son of Jimmy. The man who terrorized a town and made its citizens fear the very ground he walked on. Including me, the day I realized that ground ran red with blood. At age eighteen, I became Priest. A man wit...
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