Дэвид Левитан - американский писатель, автор множества книг для подростков. Известен тем, что неоднократно поднимал тему LGBT подростков.В 19 лет Дэвид проходил практику в издательстве Scholastic. Семнадцать лет спустя, он все ещё работает там, но уже главным редактором. Левитан также является основателем программы PUSH для начинающих писателей.На нашем книжном сайте Вы можете скачать книги автора Дэвида Левитана в самых разных форматах (epub, fb2, pdf, txt и многие другие). А так же читать книг...
Дэвид Левитан - американский писатель, автор множества книг для подростков. Известен тем, что неоднократно поднимал тему LGBT подростков.
В 19 лет Дэвид проходил практику в издательстве Scholastic. Семнадцать лет спустя, он все ещё работает там, но уже главным редактором. Левитан также является основателем программы PUSH для начинающих писателей.
На нашем сайте представлены 28 книг автора Дэвида Левитана. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
This is the story of Paul, a sophomore at a high school like no other: The cheerleaders ride Harleys, the homecoming queen used to be a guy named Daryl (she now prefers Infinite Darlene and is also the star quarterback), and the gay-straight alliance was formed to help the straight kids learn how to dance. When Paul meets Noah, he thinks he's found the one his heart is made for. Until he bl...
The eagerly anticipated companion to David Levithan’s New York Times bestseller Every Day In this enthralling companion to his New York Times bestseller Every Day, David Levithan (co-author of Will Grayson, Will Grayson with John Green) tells Rhiannon’s side of the story as she seeks to discover the truth about love and how it can change you. Every day is the same for Rhiannon. She has accep...
In Egypt Imhotep, High Priest of the Dead, stays in the ground for 3215 years. Then he wakes up from his half-life and he starts to kill. Evelyn works in a museum. Rick is a soldier. Can these very different people send Imhotep back to the dead - and also find love? Retold by David Levithan.
The quintessential Girl-Likes-Boy-Who-Likes-Boys, from the New York Times bestselling authors of NICK & NORAH’S INFINITE PLAYLIST! Naomi and Ely are best friends. Naomi loves and is in love with Ely, and Ely loves Naomi, but prefers to be in love with boys. So they create their "No Kiss List" of people neither of them is allowed to kiss. And this works fine…until Bruce. Bruce is Naomi's boyf...
Стивен проклят. Он уже родился таким – проклятым и невидимым. Он даже не видит самого себя, как никогда не видела мальчика даже его мать. Но одна девушка сумела проникнуть сквозь пелену наваждения, увидеть и влюбиться в него.У Стивена есть шанс вернуться в реальный мир, пока порождение злой воли не убило его. Но что готова Элизабет принести в жертву и спасти парня, которому отдала свое сердце?
Who knows you well? Your best friend? Your boyfriend or girlfriend? A stranger you meet on a crazy night? No one, really? Mark and Kate have sat next to each other for an entire year, but have never spoken. For whatever reason, their paths outside of class have never crossed. That is until Kate spots Mark miles away from home, out in the city for a wild, unexpected night. Kate is lost, havin...
In Every Day, New York Times bestselling author David Levithan presented readers with his most ambitious novel to date: Every morning, A wakes up in a different body and leads a different life. A must never get too attached, must never be noticed, must never interfere. The novel Every Day starts on Day 5994 of A’s life. In this digital-only collection Six Earlier Days, Levithan gives readers ...
Локхарт Э. ?Это моя вина?. Фрэнки невероятно повезло. За лето из невзрачного ?книжного червя? она превратилась в прелестное создание и начала встречаться с красавцем-старшеклассником Мэттью. Мэттью, как когда-то и отец Фрэнки, состоит в тайном школьном обществе. Но девушкам путь туда заказан. Впрочем, мы же знаем, что для женщины (в нашем случае - очаровательной девушки) ничего невозможного нет...
This is the story of Paul, a sophomore at a high school like no other: The cheerleaders ride Harleys, the homecoming queen used to be a guy named Daryl (she now prefers Infinite Darlene and is also the star quarterback), and the gay-straight alliance was formed to help the straight kids learn how to dance. When Paul meets Noah, he thinks he's found the one his heart is made for. Until he bl...
The eagerly anticipated companion to David Levithan’s New York Times bestseller Every Day In this enthralling companion to his New York Times bestseller Every Day, David Levithan (co-author of Will Grayson, Will Grayson with John Green) tells Rhiannon’s side of the story as she seeks to discover the truth about love and how it can change you. Every day is the same for Rhiannon. She has accep...
In Egypt Imhotep, High Priest of the Dead, stays in the ground for 3215 years. Then he wakes up from his half-life and he starts to kill. Evelyn works in a museum. Rick is a soldier. Can these very different people send Imhotep back to the dead - and also find love? Retold by David Levithan.
The quintessential Girl-Likes-Boy-Who-Likes-Boys, from the New York Times bestselling authors of NICK & NORAH’S INFINITE PLAYLIST! Naomi and Ely are best friends. Naomi loves and is in love with Ely, and Ely loves Naomi, but prefers to be in love with boys. So they create their "No Kiss List" of people neither of them is allowed to kiss. And this works fine…until Bruce. Bruce is Naomi's boyf...
Стивен проклят. Он уже родился таким – проклятым и невидимым. Он даже не видит самого себя, как никогда не видела мальчика даже его мать. Но одна девушка сумела проникнуть сквозь пелену наваждения, увидеть и влюбиться в него.У Стивена есть шанс вернуться в реальный мир, пока порождение злой воли не убило его. Но что готова Элизабет принести в жертву и спасти парня, которому отдала свое сердце?
Who knows you well? Your best friend? Your boyfriend or girlfriend? A stranger you meet on a crazy night? No one, really? Mark and Kate have sat next to each other for an entire year, but have never spoken. For whatever reason, their paths outside of class have never crossed. That is until Kate spots Mark miles away from home, out in the city for a wild, unexpected night. Kate is lost, havin...
In Every Day, New York Times bestselling author David Levithan presented readers with his most ambitious novel to date: Every morning, A wakes up in a different body and leads a different life. A must never get too attached, must never be noticed, must never interfere. The novel Every Day starts on Day 5994 of A’s life. In this digital-only collection Six Earlier Days, Levithan gives readers ...
Локхарт Э. ?Это моя вина?. Фрэнки невероятно повезло. За лето из невзрачного ?книжного червя? она превратилась в прелестное создание и начала встречаться с красавцем-старшеклассником Мэттью. Мэттью, как когда-то и отец Фрэнки, состоит в тайном школьном обществе. Но девушкам путь туда заказан. Впрочем, мы же знаем, что для женщины (в нашем случае - очаровательной девушки) ничего невозможного нет...
This is the story of Paul, a sophomore at a high school like no other: The cheerleaders ride Harleys, the homecoming queen used to be a guy named Daryl (she now prefers Infinite Darlene and is also the star quarterback), and the gay-straight alliance was formed to help the straight kids learn how to dance. When Paul meets Noah, he thinks he's found the one his heart is made for. Until he bl...
The eagerly anticipated companion to David Levithan’s New York Times bestseller Every Day In this enthralling companion to his New York Times bestseller Every Day, David Levithan (co-author of Will Grayson, Will Grayson with John Green) tells Rhiannon’s side of the story as she seeks to discover the truth about love and how it can change you. Every day is the same for Rhiannon. She has accep...
In Egypt Imhotep, High Priest of the Dead, stays in the ground for 3215 years. Then he wakes up from his half-life and he starts to kill. Evelyn works in a museum. Rick is a soldier. Can these very different people send Imhotep back to the dead - and also find love? Retold by David Levithan.
The quintessential Girl-Likes-Boy-Who-Likes-Boys, from the New York Times bestselling authors of NICK & NORAH’S INFINITE PLAYLIST! Naomi and Ely are best friends. Naomi loves and is in love with Ely, and Ely loves Naomi, but prefers to be in love with boys. So they create their "No Kiss List" of people neither of them is allowed to kiss. And this works fine…until Bruce. Bruce is Naomi's boyf...
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