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Автор - David Grant
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Творчество David Grant

На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора David Grant. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Школьные учебники
Business Focus: Elementary: Teacher's Book
Business Focus: Elementary: Teacher's Book

A two-level foundation course in business English. 100 hours of teaching material, supported by a further 100 hours of self-study materials on CD-ROM, on audio CD, in the Student's Book and Workbook, and on the Business Focus website.

Английский язык
Business Basics: Workbook
Business Basics: Workbook

Business Basics is a complete first course in English for business, with thorough coverage of basic grammar and skills. While the language level is low, the material is relevant to the business world, and real companies and business personalities are featured. The New Edition has been extensively revised in line with feedback from users of the original Business Basics. The structural syllabus h...

Английский язык
Business Result: Pre-intermediate Student's Book (+ DVD-ROM)
Business Result: Pre-intermediate Student's Book (+ DVD-ROM)

With its communicative syllabus, authentic business material, and expert tips from a leading management school, plus interactive multi-media, Business Result helps students learn the communication skills they need for work quickly and effectively.

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