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This is an Arabian folk tale, included in the “One Thousand and One Nights”. One merchant had two sons. When the merchant died, the elder son got a heritage and a wealthy wife. The younger son Ali Baba got nothing and married to a poor woman. Ali Baba became a woodcutter. One day he was working in the forest, collecting the firewood. Suddenly he saw forty men in black on the black horses. They cam...
Essential reading for anyone interested in the African continent and the diversity of human history, this Very Short Introduction looks at Africa's past and reflects on the changing ways it has been imagined and represented. Key themes in current thinking about Africa's history are illustrated with a range of fascinating historical examples, drawn from over 5 millennia across this vast c...
Eines Tages sturmen vermummte Manner das Lokoal von Mai Lin, schlagen die Einrichtung kaputt und drohen mit noch Schlimmerem, wenn sie nicht unverzuglich ihr Restaurant schliesst. Schliesslich wird Muller mit der Sache betraut?
Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов и магистрантов экономических факультетов, специализирующихся в области бухгалтерского учета и аудита. В пособие включены актуальные аутентичные материалы и документы, отражающие современные тенденции в данной дисциплине. Тексты, предлагаемые для перевода, реферирования, аннотирования и обсуждения, сопровождены соответствующими заданиями, упражнениям...
Grades Pre-K and K. Children love to listen to storybooks. Children see and hear the English they've learned come alive through storybook characters. Hearing and reading the storybooks will enhance the English they use in and outside of the classroom. Each of the nine storybooks has suggestions for before, during and after reading the story s well as an activity specific to each book. The nin...
¿Alguna vez te encontraste con una piedra en el camino? ¿Qué hiciste: la saltaste o la pateaste? El personaje de esta historia no se topó con una piedra sino con una montaña. Léela y sabrás cuánta paciencia hace falta para vencer las dificultades de todos los días. Incluye actividades de explotación.