This is a true story about a dog in Western Australia in the 1970s. There is a life-sized statue of him in the town of Dampier, put there by his friends after his death. People in the north-west still remember him, and tell stories about him . . . and smile. Red Dog had many names. At different times he was called Tally Ho, Bluey, the Dog of the North-West, but mostly he was called Red Dog, or just Red. Everybody in the north-west knew Red. He never really belonged to anyone, but he had many f...
This is a true story about a dog in Western Australia in the 1970s. There is a life-sized statue of him in the town of Dampier, put there by his friends after his death. People in the north-west still remember him, and tell stories about him . . . and smile.
Red Dog had many names. At different times he was called Tally Ho, Bluey, the Dog of the North-West, but mostly he was called Red Dog, or just Red. Everybody in the north-west knew Red. He never really belonged to anyone, but he had many friends. He was never without a place to sleep, or a good meal, before he moved on - because he was also a great traveller. It is a hard, hot country, up in the Pilbara region, but Red knew how to get around. He rode on buses and trucks, in people's cars, and on trains. If people saw Red Dog on the road, they always stopped and gave him a ride.
But there was one thing about Red Dog. You really, really didn't want to travel with him in a car with the windows closed . . . Книга «Red Dog: Stage 2» автора Луи де Берньер оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
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A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by Jennifer Bassett.When Lord Asano drew his sword on Lord Kira one spring day in 1701, it began a story that is now a national legend in Japan. Lord Kira lived, but Lord Asano died, and after his death, his samurai became ronin, samurai without a master. And so began their long plan for revenge on Lord Kira. Their l...
This award-winning collection of adapted classic literature and original stories develops reading skills for low-beginning through advanced students. Accessible language and carefully controlled vocabulary build students' reading confidence. Introductions at the beginning of each story, illustrations throughout, and glossaries help build comprehension. Before, during, and after readi...
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This award-winning collection of adapted classic literature and original stories develops reading skills for low-beginning through advanced students. Accessible language and carefully controlled vocabulary build students' reading confidence. Introductions at the beginning of each story, illustrations throughout, and glossaries help build comprehension. Before, during, and after reading act...
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