На нашем сайте представлены 6 книг автора Fiona Beddall. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Alexander the Great became king of Macedonia at the age of twenty. When he died, twelve years later he ruled the biggest empire that the world had ever known. Many people died as he and his army fought their way east. But he became a hero to many others, and his achievements were extraordinary.
Next Move Student's Book consists of: - Starter Unit. - Nine units of one lesson per page. - Three Review units. - Nine Brain Trainer pages. - Six Culture pages.
This work provides a flexible course for adults and young adults. Move has carefully-graded communicative syllabus that helps students to express themselves through English. The teacher's book contains teaching tips, systematic teaching notes, photocopiable unit and module tests, 24 extra photocopiable discussion lessons and communication games, a common European framework section.
Insight into the world: Topics that inspire students to think - Stimulating topics and information rich texts inspire discussion - Culture texts in every unit and related DVD material - Literature insight introduces students to classic English literature Insight into learning: Strategies that develop lifelong learning - Strategy boxes improve key language skills - Writing guide...
Insight will challenge, develop and inspire your students. It will motivate and engage them with thought provoking topics and information rich texts which will challenge their opinions and inspire them to think critically about the world they live in. It will prepare them for a life of learning with a clear focus on developing their skills and autonomous learning habits. It will give your students...
Original / British English Britain is a small country but it has a long history. Two thousand years ago it was part of the Roman Empire. In the 1930s the British Empire was the biggest empire in world history. In the past, kings and queens fought to rule Britain. Discover how wars, revolutions and religion have changed its history. Read about the different countries of the United Kingdom - and the...
Alexander the Great became king of Macedonia at the age of twenty. When he died, twelve years later he ruled the biggest empire that the world had ever known. Many people died as he and his army fought their way east. But he became a hero to many others, and his achievements were extraordinary.
Next Move Student's Book consists of: - Starter Unit. - Nine units of one lesson per page. - Three Review units. - Nine Brain Trainer pages. - Six Culture pages.
This work provides a flexible course for adults and young adults. Move has carefully-graded communicative syllabus that helps students to express themselves through English. The teacher's book contains teaching tips, systematic teaching notes, photocopiable unit and module tests, 24 extra photocopiable discussion lessons and communication games, a common European framework section.
Insight into the world: Topics that inspire students to think - Stimulating topics and information rich texts inspire discussion - Culture texts in every unit and related DVD material - Literature insight introduces students to classic English literature Insight into learning: Strategies that develop lifelong learning - Strategy boxes improve key language skills - Writing guide...
Insight will challenge, develop and inspire your students. It will motivate and engage them with thought provoking topics and information rich texts which will challenge their opinions and inspire them to think critically about the world they live in. It will prepare them for a life of learning with a clear focus on developing their skills and autonomous learning habits. It will give your students...
Original / British English Britain is a small country but it has a long history. Two thousand years ago it was part of the Roman Empire. In the 1930s the British Empire was the biggest empire in world history. In the past, kings and queens fought to rule Britain. Discover how wars, revolutions and religion have changed its history. Read about the different countries of the United Kingdom - and the...
Alexander the Great became king of Macedonia at the age of twenty. When he died, twelve years later he ruled the biggest empire that the world had ever known. Many people died as he and his army fought their way east. But he became a hero to many others, and his achievements were extraordinary.
Next Move Student's Book consists of: - Starter Unit. - Nine units of one lesson per page. - Three Review units. - Nine Brain Trainer pages. - Six Culture pages.
This work provides a flexible course for adults and young adults. Move has carefully-graded communicative syllabus that helps students to express themselves through English. The teacher's book contains teaching tips, systematic teaching notes, photocopiable unit and module tests, 24 extra photocopiable discussion lessons and communication games, a common European framework section.
Insight into the world: Topics that inspire students to think - Stimulating topics and information rich texts inspire discussion - Culture texts in every unit and related DVD material - Literature insight introduces students to classic English literature Insight into learning: Strategies that develop lifelong learning - Strategy boxes improve key language skills - Writing guide...
Insight will challenge, develop and inspire your students. It will motivate and engage them with thought provoking topics and information rich texts which will challenge their opinions and inspire them to think critically about the world they live in. It will prepare them for a life of learning with a clear focus on developing their skills and autonomous learning habits. It will give your students...
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