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Автор - Alan Cowsill

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Творчество Alan Cowsill

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Alan Cowsill. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War

Marvel UK's greatest heroes come together for the first time in 20 years to face a threat that could destroy the world! A troubling vision in Darkmoor Castle portends the horrible truth: the sinister MyS-Tech organization has returned! When their magical cloning experiments are discovered, Dark Angel and the Knights of Pendragon have no choice but to return to action! Death's Head comes ...

Avengers: The Ultimate Character Guide
Avengers: The Ultimate Character Guide

The Revised Edition of this Authorised, Fully Illustrated Guide to the Characters of Earth's Mightiest Super Hero Team Includes More than 60 New Heroes and Villains. Every Page Features Spectacular Art by Marvel Comics' Finest Artists and is Packed With Detailed Information on Each Character's History Stats, Powers and Power Ranks. The Text has Been Thoroughly Updated to Cover Ne...

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