На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Tristan Manco. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Subverted signs, spontaneous drawings, powerful monolithic symbols, and curious characters represent a worldwide outdoor gallery of free contemporary art. Graffiti art is constantly changing. Fresh coats of paint and newly pasted posters
A firsthand survey of the most original graffiti scene to emerge in the past decade. From the startlingly distinctive achievements of the internationally renowned twin-brother painters Os Gemeos to the visual powers of the ubiquitous
In this sequel to the worldwide bestseller "Street Sketchbook", Tristan Manco continues his exploration of the secret world of sketchbooks by tracing artists creative journeys, from the initial idea to its development. The book features work by the most innovative street and graffiti artists from around the world, showcasing both established artists, such as Sam3 and Titifreak, and the extraordina...
Nowhere is the connection between raw inspiration and art more evident than in an artist's sketchbook. The pages within the battered covers of street sketchbooks reveal a secret world, a treasure trove of exquisite draughtsman ship, personal anecdotes, unconstrained energy and kooky ideas that are works of art in themselves. "Street Sketchbook" grants unparalleled access to the books of more...
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