На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Elizabeth Flock. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
But inside I'm screaming is one woman's unforgettable story about what it is to lose control as the world watches, to figure out what went so very wrong and to accept an imperfect life in a world that demands perfection. While breaking the hottest news story of the year, broadcast journalist Isabel Murphy falls apart on live television in front of an audience of millions. She lands at T...
Can one terrible moment change your life forever?“The days and weeks that followed were snapshots in his mind. Cluttered night tables, filled with pill bottles on his mother’s side…” To those on the outside, the Powells are a happy family, but then a devastating accident destroys their fragile façade. When seven year-old Henry is blamed for the tragedy, he tries desperately to make his parents hap...
Praised for her “haunting” (Booklist) and “tremendously touching” (Kirkus Reviews) novels, Elizabeth Flock reveals the inner workings of a modern marriage with unflinching honesty in Sleepwalking in Daylight, delivering a provocative story that Publishers Weekly calls “redemptive…familiar and melancholy. ”Once defined by her career and independence, stay-at-home mom Samantha Friedman realizes her ...
In many ways, Carrie Parker is like any other eight-year-old–playing make-believe, dreading school, dreaming of faraway places.But even her imagination can't shut out the realities of her impoverished North Carolina home or help her protect her younger sister, Emma. As the big sister, Carrie is determined to do anything to keep Emma safe from a life of neglect and abuse at the hands of their drunk...
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