На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Meryl Sawyer. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
She'd better run…Devon's used to a life on the run–when she entered the Witness Protection program, she had to give up her friends, her family…even her name. But now someone's cracked her FBI file and sent a hired killer after her, and Devon can't count on the Feds to protect her.She'd better hide…Now Devon's fighting to stay one step ahead of the crime lord who's after her, but she can't do it al...
Madison Connelly is tired of lies–and betrayal. First her husband and business partner leaves her for another woman. Then Detective Paul Tanner arrives to tell her that the man she thought was her father isn't. Madison wants answers…answers about her past that someone is going to deadly lengths to keep hidden.Falling for Madison isn't in Paul's job description: find the girl, bring her to his empl...
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