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Книги Foster Lori

Foster Lori - автор 35 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Fantasy, Bare It All, Paslėpta aistra. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Современная проза
Run the Risk
Run the Risk

Nothing can shake a cop from pursuing justice—except a beautiful witness marked for death—in New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster’s sexy new series….When Detective Logan Riske goes undercover to find Pepper Yates, a potential link to his best friend’s unsolved murder, he vows to gain her cooperation by any means necessary. But the elusive beauty is more suspicious—and in far more danger—t...

Современная проза
Paslėpta aistra
Paslėpta aistra

Vieną karštą audringą vakarą…Mokytoja Karlė Makdaniels iškeičia kasdienius senamadiškus drabužius į karnavalinį egzotiškos haremo merginos kostiumą. Ir sugundo patrauklų tamsiaplaukį piratą – Tailerį Remzį, kuris anksčiau į ją nė nežvilgtelėdavo.Taileris, praleidęs karščiausią gyvenime naktį, negali nurimti: kas buvo toji aistringa haremo mergina?.. Karlė pasiryžusi nieku gyvu neišsiduoti. Juk, ši...

Современная проза
Bare It All
Bare It All

A cop’s craving to know more about the woman next door could prove fatal in the steamy new novel from New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster.As the person responsible for taking down a brutal human trafficker, Alice Appleton fears retaliation at every turn. No one knows about her past, which is exactly how she prefers it…until the sexy cop next door comes knocking. Detective Reese Bareden t...

Современная проза
Bodyguard: Outrageous / Riley
Bodyguard: Outrageous / Riley

OUTRAGEOUS Judd Sanders couldn't believe it when the beautiful, wide-eyed woman he rescued from some drunk hoodlums started poking her gorgeous little nose into his business. She was obviously a menace to herself–not to mention to his libido. Worse, she'd blow his cover. For little did Emily Cooper know that Judd was really a cop–whose cover left him a little too «uncovered» for his liking….RILEYR...

Современная проза
Dash of Peril
Dash of Peril

A no-nonsense female cop reluctantly teams up with the one man who makes her lose control in a deliciously sensual new novel from New York Times bestselling author Lori FosterTo bring down a sleazy abduction ring, Lieutenant Margaret «Margo» Peterson has set herself up as bait. But recruiting Dashiel Riske as her unofficial partner is a whole other kind of danger. Dash is six feet four inches of l...

Современная проза
Provokuojantis žaidimas
Provokuojantis žaidimas

Vieną žvarbų vakarą prie Šedou Kalahan parduotuvės suklumpa išvaizdus nepažįstamasis. Šedou padeda jam atsistoti ir… pasiūlo dalyvauti patraukliausio vyro konkurse, kurį rengia prekybos centro parduotuvių savininkai. Toks pasiūlymas iš gražuolės lūpų Brentui Bramvelui nuskamba dviprasmiškai. Juolab kad gražuolės dovanų krautuvėlė vadinasi „Seksualu“.

A Buckhorn Bachelor
A Buckhorn Bachelor

Buckhorn, Kentucky’s favorite son has finally decided to tie the knot in a sizzling new Buckhorn Brothers novellaAdam Sommerville always thought he had it all—great family in a close-knit community, worthwhile job as a high school gym teacher, and no shortage of women eager to be on his arm. But it seems his luck has suddenly run out. Because Buckhorn’s most renowned bachelor has decided it’s time...

Современная проза
Caught!: Taken! / Say Yes
Caught!: Taken! / Say Yes

Things are heating up between security expert Dillon Jones and the notorious Virginia Johnson! They're trying to find out who framed Dillon's brother for embezzlement. As they search for the truth, Dillon can't help but draw closer to feisty Virginia. His code of honor is barely keeping him in check…but leave it to a take-charge woman to take what she wants!After finding her–now former–fiancé in b...

Современная проза
Sex Appeal
Sex Appeal

When a lighthearted contest takes a dangerous turn, millionaire real estate mogul Brent Bramwell will do anything to protect a sexy, quirky shop owner in this fan favorite from New York Times bestselling author Lori FosterShadow Callahan is enlisting sexy men to participate in a contest designed to drive traffic to her shop, Sex Appeal. So when the gorgeous, buttoned-up Brent Bramwell falls into h...

Современная проза
Viliojantis iššūkis
Viliojantis iššūkis

Džosė Džekson iš tikrųjų nėra karšta pupytė. Aptempti drabužėliai ir seksualus įvaizdis skirti atbaidyti Bobui – naujausiam sesers parinktam kavalieriui – per dar vieną nuobodų aklą pasimatymą. Betgi, ei – vaikinas visai neatrodo nuobodus. Akimirksniu įsižiebęs potraukis baigiasi neįtikėtinai aistringa naktimi… ir staigmenų kupinu rytu. „Bobas“ – iš tiesų ne Bobas. Jis vykdomasis reklamos įmonės d...

Современная проза
UP In Flames: Body Heat / Caught in the Act
UP In Flames: Body Heat / Caught in the Act

Body HeatThe last person Melanie Tucker wants to find herself trapped with on a party boat is her nemesis, Adam Stone. As always, he's too smooth…and a bit too sexy for comfort. But when they both fall overboard–and wind up stranded together–Melanie just can't resist all the delicious body heat smoldering between them….Caught in the ActWhen a robbery goes bad, undercover cop Mick Dawson can't beli...

Современная проза
Fallen Angels: Beguiled / Wanton / Uncovered
Fallen Angels: Beguiled / Wanton / Uncovered

BeguiledP.I. Dane Carter assumed his murdered twin's identity to find his killer. Angel Morris was his main suspect–a woman his twin had betrayed. Now Dane could destroy her trust again. By falling in love with her… WantonPassion had clouded P.I. Celia Carter's judgment once. Never again. Now she took on dangerous undercover assignments to deal with her guilt. But P.I. Alec Sharpe was determined t...

Современная проза

Grade school teacher Carlie McDaniels trades in her frumpiness for the look of an exotic harem girl, at least for one costume party. So long, spinsterhood–and hello, tall, dark and handsome Tyler Ramsey….Even after the best night of their lives, Tyler hasn't guessed the identity of his harem hottie…and Carlie plans on keeping him in the dark. After all, a gorgeous guy like Tyler would never fall f...

Современная проза
Neapsirik dėl jos
Neapsirik dėl jos

Dviejų knygų serija „Aistros įkaitai“. Pirma knyga.Kai lūpos taria „ne“, o kūnas šaukia „taip!“Patrauklusis milžinas Zakas Greindžas visą savo laiką skiria darbui ir mylimai dukrai. Padėdamas nelaimės ištiktiems žmonėms medikas bando numaldyti skausmą ir kaltę dėl žmonos mirties. Tačiau vis dažniau susimąsto apie tai, kad jam reikia moters. Ypatingos, tokios, kuri taptų sektinu pavyzdžiu mergaitei...

Современная проза
Heartbreakers: Treat Her Right / Mr November
Heartbreakers: Treat Her Right / Mr November

Treat Her RightGorgeous, statuesque fitness expert Wynn Lane can't help but fall for her sexy neighbor, paramedic Zack Granger, and his adorable daughter. But brash, outspoken Wynn is not Zack's idea of mommy material, even though she's making daddy's libido do flip-flops. Still, the laws of attraction rule–and Wynn is a force of nature all her own!Mr. NovemberCreating a beefcake calendar for char...

Литература на английском языке

OutrageousJudd Sanders couldn't believe it when the beautiful, wide-eyed woman he rescued from some drunk hoodlums started poking her gorgeous little nose into his business. She was obviously a menace to herself–not to mention to his libido. Worse, she'd blow his cover. For little did Emily Cooper know that Judd was really a cop–whose cover left him a little too «uncovered» for his liking….

Современная проза
Vyras lapkričiui
Vyras lapkričiui

Dviejų knygų serija „Aistros įkaitai“. Antra knyga.Tikslas pateisina priemones.Amandai Barker reikia Džošo Maršalo. Dėl jo seksualaus kūno, šelmiškos šypsenos ir mergišiaus reputacijos ji galėtų parduoti tūkstančius labdaringo kalendoriaus egzempliorių. Bet leitenantas Džošas ne tik nesutinka bendradarbiauti – jis mėgaujasi galėdamas Amandą erzinti.Džošas jau daugybę kartų atsisakė pozuoti kalendo...

Современная проза

Emma Clark is back in Buckhorn. Once she was the girl with too much makeup and a bad reputation – and she tried everything she could to get Casey Hudson into bed. He was the cutest guy in town, and the only one who seemed to really care about her.As a hot-blooded teen it was hard for Casey to resist Emma. Now, eight years later, it’s impossible.But Emma is doing her best to shut him out – and Case...

Современная проза

Constant CravingPrivate Investigator Alec Sharpe wanted to keep Celia Carter safe. He also just plain WANTED her. But Celia had some crazy ideas – first that she could conduct a risky investigation all by herself, and second that she could ignore the sizzling attraction between them.Celia soon realized, to her dismay, that she needed help with the case… from the dark and dangerously sexy Alec. He ...

Современная проза
Netikėtas pasiūlymas
Netikėtas pasiūlymas

Kvapą gniaužiantys bučiniai pakeičia viešbučių tinklo valdytojo Tonio Ostino ir drabužių parduotuvių savininkės Olivijos Anderson gyvenimus labiau, nei jie buvo suplanavę.Jis troško tik vaiko. Jai tereikėjo trumpučio romano be įsipareigojimų… ir saldžių prisiminimų. Neįprasta? Galbūt.

Современная проза
Caught in the Act
Caught in the Act

Mick Dawson, undercover cop.He's got his hands full with a pushy broad who claims she's just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Except all the perps seem to know everything there is to know about her. Who're you going to believe? Only one way to find out. Get real close.Del Piper, mystery writer.She's as confused as he is, but mostly because he's got the sweetest smile, when he smiles. Still, h...

Современная проза
Ära ahvatle mind
Ära ahvatle mind

Südameasjades pole õigeid või valesid aeguArmastus tuleb siis, kui seda kõige vähem oodatakse.Jason Guthriel pole päeval aega tüdrukutega tegeleda – ta aitab oma leseks jäänud venda ja teismelist vennapoega ning tegeleb sellega, et oma kodulinn taas jalgele aidata. Aga öösel on teine lugu… Ja kui kena uus naaber Honor Brown võtab vastu ta abi maja kordaseadmisel, loodab Jason, et suudab purustada ...

Современная проза
Charade: Impetuous / Outrageous
Charade: Impetuous / Outrageous

Love isn't always what it seems in these two timeless tales from New York Times bestselling author Lori FosterIMPETUOUSWhen grade school teacher Carlie McDaniels trades in her frumpiness for an exotic harem girl Halloween costume, it's so long, spinsterhood–and hello, tall, dark and handsome Tyler Ramsey. But even after the best night of their lives, Tyler hasn't guessed the identity of his harem ...

Современная проза
A Perfect Storm
A Perfect Storm

He never saw her coming…Spencer Lark already knows too many secrets about Arizona Storm, including the nightmare she survived and her resulting trust issues. But in order to expose a smuggling ring—and continue avenging his own tragic past—the bounty hunter reluctantly agrees to make Arizona a decoy.Yet nothing has equipped him for her hypnotic blend of fragility and bravery, or for the protective...

Современная проза
Back to Buckhorn
Back to Buckhorn

From New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster comes a sizzling new Buckhorn Brothers novellaFor odd-girl-out Zoey Hodge, the best thing about Buckhorn, Kentucky, was leaving it behind. And now she's back–at least until she can nurse her mother back to health and hightail it out of there anew. But there's one person she doesn't mind seeing again. Garrett Hudson was one of the few who was alway...