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Автор - Shea Serrano

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Творчество Shea Serrano

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Shea Serrano. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

The Rap Year Book
The Rap Year Book

The Rap Year Book takes readers on a journey that begins in 1979, widely regarded as the moment rap as a genre became recognised as part of music’s landscape and comes right up to the present. Shea Serrano deftly pays homage to the most important song of each year. Serrano also examines the most important moments that surround the history and culture of rap music–from artists’ backgrounds, to issu...

Basketball (and Other Things)
Basketball (and Other Things)

Who had the greatest dunk of all time? Which version of Michael Jordan was the best Michael Jordan? What is allowed and absolutely not allowed in a game of pickup basketball? Basketball and Other Things takes readers through the most pivotal and

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