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Автор - The School of life

Краткая биография автора

С официального сайта: Headquartered in London, we operate around the globe. We produce videos, articles, and books, and make and sell a range of products to assist you in the quest for a more fulfilled life. We share new content several times a week and run classes and special events in major cities around the world. We also offer brand consultancy services and learning and development workshops for businesses.The School of Life is a place to step back and think intelligently about central emoti...

С официального сайта:

Headquartered in London, we operate around the globe. We produce videos, articles, and books, and make and sell a range of products to assist you in the quest for a more fulfilled life. We share new content several times a week and run classes and special events in major cities around the world. We also offer brand consultancy services and learning and development workshops for businesses.

The School of Life is a place to step back and think intelligently about central emotional concerns. You will never be cornered by dogma, but we will direct you towards ideas that will exercise, stimulate and expand your mind. Through our digital channels and branches, you will meet other curious, sociable and open-minded people in an atmosphere of exploration and enjoyment.

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Творчество The School of life

На нашем сайте представлены 6 книг автора The School of life. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

How to Be Alone
How to Be Alone

How to Be Alone

How to Worry Less About Money
How to Worry Less About Money

How to Worry Less About Money

Small pleasures
Small pleasures

So often, we exhaust ourselves and the planet in a search for very large pleasures - while all around us lies a wealth of small pleasures, which - if only we paid more attention - could daily bring us solace and joy at little cost and effort. But we need some encouragement to focus our gaze. This is a book to guide us to the best of life's small pleasures: everything from the distinctive d...

Great thinkers
Great thinkers

The Great Thinkers is a collection of some of the most important ideas of Eastern and Western culture - drawn from the works of those philosophers, political theorists, sociologists, artists and novelists whom we believe have the most to offer to us today. We've worked hard to make the thinkers in this book clear, relevant and charming, mining the history of knowledge to bring you the idea...

How to find love
How to find love

Choosing a partner is one of the most consequential and tricky decisions we will ever make, and the cost of repeated failure is immense. This book explains why we have the ‘types’ we do, and how our early experiences give us scripts of how and whom we love. It sheds light on harmful repetitive patterns and the extent to which we are not always simply choosing people who can make us happy. We learn...


Few things promise us greater happiness than our relationships - yet few things more reliably deliver misery and frustration. Our error is to suppose that we are born knowing how to love and that managing a relationship might therefore be intuitive and easy. This book starts from a different premise: that love is a skill to be learnt, rather than just an emotion to be felt. It calmly and charmi...