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Автор - Des Traynor

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Творчество Des Traynor

На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Des Traynor. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Intercom on Marketing: The marketing book for startups
Intercom on Marketing: The marketing book for startups

There are a thousand theories, practices, techniques and formulas for marketing your product. But which ones matter to startups? Let us show you how to build your brand and sell more products in a non-spammy way with this marketing book for startups.

Intercom on Starting Up
Intercom on Starting Up

Over 6 years we've written more than 500 articles about our own startup journey. We've taken the highlights, added in our latest thinking and now we're sharing it all in a beautifully designed hardcover book.

Intercom on Product Management
Intercom on Product Management

Building a great product should be the first focus of every startup. This collection of lessons offers our guidance on the tough decisions you will face as a product manager.