На нашем сайте представлены 8 книг автора Poly Bernatene. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Bob the Dog and Mark are playing in the park one day when Bob swallows a yellow canary. What will they do? This whimsical tale and its cast of friendly characters will delight young readers and adults alike! This picture book features vibrant full-color illustrations.
The Federation of Fright brings you a sneak peek into the real, everyday lives of the world's scariest monsters! Meet the Mummy, The Werewolf, the Vampire, and many more memorable monsters from myths and legends in this scarily stunning, horribly hilarious story from author Luciano Saracino. Vibrant illustrations and fun text make this a book that both kids and grown-ups will love.
Bradley Bartleby is bad. Very bad. To avoid Bradley's wrath, his wealthy parents buy him whatever he wants. All the adults in Bradley's life are running scared - except for Santa Claus, who refuses to give him anything but socks. But Bradley vows to get what he deserves. If Santa won't give him the gifts he wants, Bradley will just have to steal them. It takes Bradley a full year to execute ...
When Max the lazy sorcerer’s apprentice dabbles in magic beyond his abilities, he finds himself in a world of trouble. Can he fix everything before the old sorcerer returns, or will he find himself suddenly out of a job?! Part of the Usborne Reading Programme developed with reading experts at the University of Roehampton, specially written for children just starting to read alone. This is a highly...
A phantasmagorical flight of fantasy is at your fingertips in this vibrant book with clever, intricate illustrations and fun rhymes! Ideal for beginning readers and perfect for the whole family, this read-along book is an imaginative tale that will soon become a family favorite.
Join two bumbling, funny witches, Ricket and Rattle, in the Halloween misadventure of the year! When Ricket challenges Rattle to a contest to see who’s the better witch, all sorts of silly spells — with ridiculous consequences — fly back and forth. But when one spell goes wrong and Ricket and Rattle’s beloved pet cat ends up in trouble, the sister witches will have to work together to save the day...
Ben’s mother is painting the living room with nice, smooth, even strokes. Painting’s hard work, so she settles down for a short nap. While she sleeps, Ben decides to finish the job. Nice, smooth, even strokes are boring, though, and Ben has a bright idea for livening up the job — and the walls! But when the laddersomehowtips over, and the good chinasomehowgets broken, all Ben can do when his mom d...
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