Марк Багли - автор 23 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Новый Человек-Паук. Смерть Человека-Паука, Зловещая шестерка, Страх во плоти. Бесстрашные. Книга вторая.. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Шестеро самых опасных врагов Человека-Паука: Зеленый Гоблин, Доктор Осьминог, Электро, Крэйвен-Охотник, Песочный Человек и Стервятник сбегают из тюрьмы "Защиты". Их объединяет ненависть к Человеку-Пауку и желание рассчитаться с ним за все их поражения в прошлом. Чтобы спасти своих родных и остановить суперзлодеев раз и навсегда, Человеку-Пауку придется принести страшную жертву.
Зеленый Гоблин. Доктор Октопус. Электро, Песочный Человек. Крэйвен-Окотник... Эти злодеи - самые опасные преступники мира! Когда-то всех их победил юный супергерой Человек-Паук, и теперь монстры надежно заперты в лучшей тюрьме "Защиты". По приказу Ника Фьюри ученые ставят на них генетические эксперименты. Но внезапно суперзлодеям удается сбежать из заключения, и они горят желанием отомстить сво...
Поиски восьми волшебных молотов Змея продолжается! Валькирия не знает, кому она может довериться, ее миссия становится все более и более опасной. В то же время Грех предпринимает последнюю попытку захватить молоты для своих зловещих целей. Мстители готовы прийти Валькирии на помощь, но сможет ли знаменитая воительница Одина помешать злодейским планам по уничтожению Земли?
Змей побежден. Его генералы потерпели поражение, и их молоты оказались разбросанными по всему земному шару. Один поручает Валькирии отыскать это древнее оружие, прежде чем оно окажется в руках у дочери Красного Черепа по имени Грех. Однако вампиры, авантюристы и даже союзники Валькирии - супергерои встают у нее на пути. И справиться с этим заданием бесстрашной воительнице будет совсем непросто.
Когда Рид и Сью решают, что семье необходим отдых, они берут Бена, Джонни и детей и отправляются на каникулы продолжительностью в год – сквозь бесконечное пространство и время! А в отсутствие Первой Семьи Marvel, отобранные заместители ФЧ: Человек-Муравей, Медуза, Женщина-Халк и новая Мисс Существо, – готовы охранять Землю... в течение тех ЧЕТЫРЕХ минут, во время которых Фантастическая Четверка...
With three little words, and entire race was nearly obliterated. Every mutant who dies is one number closer to zero. Endangered Species, a series of 8-page back-ups in the four core X-titles, follows the Beast as he races against the clock to save this once-thriving race. Collects the X-Men: Endangered Species One-Shot, and #1-17 back-up stories
A new propulsion system devised by the U.S. government puts Mars just days away. It creates interplanetary opportunities unprecedented for the human race. But someone - or something - wants Earth's progression into space to stop. What does that mean to the Ultimates and the Ultimate Fantastic Four! And yes, that mysterious white-and-green figure is Ultimate Captain Marvel! Collecting: Ulti...
Can Peter summon the necessary power, and bear the weight of responsibility for one more battle? His Aunt May is there. So is his girlfriend Mary Jane Watson. As Spider-Man fights on with a seemingly mortal wound, their lives hang in the balance as well as his. Can Spidey succeed where he previously failed?
A major movie studio is making a summer blockbuster about Spider-Man, and the Ultimate wall-crawler swings by the set to give the producers a piece of his mind. But as the cameras roll, the real wall-crawler and Doc Ock go head-to-head behind the scenes!
It's the terrifying debut of the Ultimate Hobgoblin as Harry Osborn returns to Midtown High harboring a dark secret that will affect the lives of all those around him-- especially his best friend, Peter Parker. And where does Harry's father-- Norman Osborn, a.k.a. the Green Goblin-- fit into all this?
Ultimate Daredevil attempts to enlist Spider-Man in a crusade to bring down the Kingpin -- permanently. But with his Aunt's life hanging by a thread, and his serious girl problems with MJ and Kitty Pryde, crimebusting may be the last thing on young Mr. Parker's mind.
When the web-slinger donned a sleek black costume of alien origin, he had no idea it would one day become his deadliest foe: Venom! See the misguided Eddie Brock in his earliest adventures as he tries time and again to take down the hated Spider-Man! Featuring the first appearance of Carnage! Plus: the Black Cat, Silver Sable and the Human Torch! Spider-Man: Vengeance of Venom is the direct fol...
Spidey gets by with a little help from his friends! If he can survive a rematch with the Tri-Sentinel, this time without Captain Universe powers, Spider-Man will face a sidekick's revenge! But wait, he never had a sidekick. So who is the Secret Empire's cyborg powerhouse, Midnight? To get to the bottom of this mess, the web-slinger will need to do a little old-fashioned teaming up. How's Moon Knig...
From the back of the book: "There's a new Venom in town! And he's not as nice as the old one! Witness the savage genesis of the most terrifying villain ever created--Carnage! Cletus Kasady, a sadistic serial killer bonded with the spawn of Venom's alien symbiote, is transformed into a force of sheer destruction, sheer violence, and total Carnage! Not even Peter Parker, the amazing S...
The clone saga reaches a fever pitch as Spider-Man, the Scarlet Spider and Kaine hurtle towards - the truth?! As Peter Parker goes on trial, both Spider-Men are shaken to the core by revelations about their identities. And when the Jackal's plans unfurl, the New Warriors are drawn into the fray. But will an invasion by Venom's race put everyone's agendas on permanent hold? Ben's lost years and his...
The Jackal is back, and Spider-Man is beside himself again! Where did the Spider-duplicate come from, and where has he been? Is he Peter Parker's dark side...or his better half? Everyone wants answers, and the cloaked killer Kaine is ready to rip them out of whoever has them! Plus: Venom and Vermin! Carnage and Chameleon! New allies, new enemies. and a new crimefighting identity! No other Spider-s...
Clones, and jackals and symbiotes--oh my! Spider-Man's clone is back, costumed as the Scarlet Spider, and neither is sure which is the genuine article! Will the real Peter Parker please stand up? Plus: Aunt May on her death bed! Mary Jane pregnant! Peter arrested for murder! The true origin of Venom revealed as Symbiotes invade the planet! The Lizard! Electro! Shriek! And more! Don't miss one of t...
Technopolis: an amazing domain of science and wonder created by the visionary genius of brothers Tony and Arno Stark. It's a real-life utopia, save for one fact: Every resident must wear armor to protect them from a deadly disease. But this near-paradise may be shattered forever when one of its few super heroes is murdered! Can Baron Tony and this domain's Thor - a hammer-wielding Jim Rh...
The Gang War to end all Gang Wars begins! The Kingpin is in retreat - and that kind of a power vacuum won't last long. It's about to be filled by a figure of unabashed dread in the underworld: Hammerhead! Plus: the Ultimate debut of several Marvel characters, including Moon Knight!
Since the discovery that the Terrigen Mists-the key to unlocking an Inhuman's hidden potential and powers-are LETHAL to mutants, the X-MEN and INHUMANS have been locked in a cold war. But as the Terrigen seeps into the Earth and reaches an irreversible tipping point, the X-Men are spurred into action to ensure the future of their species! And for Jean Grey and Fantomex, this means taking o...
This is it - the swan song of the Ultimate Universe! As the Incursions destroy everything, and the Marvel and Ultimate Universes meet and collide, Miles Morales and the rest of the Ultimate heroes face final extinction! Will the heroes' heartbreaking sacrifices make any difference? Who - if anyone - will survive? How long can two Battleworld territories occupy the same space? It's the ba...
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man
Before the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN...before VENOM... There was the FIRST HOST. The recent reunion of Eddie Brock and the Venom symbiote has been a shaky one. As their relationship has been fraught with secrets and lies, they have come to struggle as much with each other as with their own violent impulses. Things don't get any easier when the symbiote's long lost first host returns in need of Venom's he...