Since the discovery that the Terrigen Mists-the key to unlocking an Inhuman's hidden potential and powers-are LETHAL to mutants, the X-MEN and INHUMANS have been locked in a cold war. But as the Terrigen seeps into the Earth and reaches an irreversible tipping point, the X-Men are spurred into action to ensure the future of their species! And for Jean Grey and Fantomex, this means taking out of commission the Inhumans' deadliest weapon: Karnak! Книга «All-New X-Men: Inevitable Vol. ...
Since the discovery that the Terrigen Mists-the key to unlocking an Inhuman's hidden potential and powers-are LETHAL to
mutants, the X-MEN and INHUMANS have been locked in a cold war. But as the Terrigen seeps into the Earth and reaches an
irreversible tipping point, the X-Men are spurred into action to ensure the future of their species! And for Jean Grey and Fantomex,
this means taking out of commission the Inhumans' deadliest weapon: Karnak! Книга «All-New X-Men: Inevitable Vol. 4: IvX» авторов Марк Багли, Дэннис Хоуплесс оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 7.40 из 10.
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