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Автор - Gabriel Andrade
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Творчество Gabriel Andrade

На нашем сайте представлены 9 книг автора Gabriel Andrade. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Crossed Plus One Hundred #3
Crossed Plus One Hundred #3

Alan Moore places his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! Future Taylor leads a salvage team that is exploring the ruins of Tennessee. She tries to piece together the past, while they gather supplies for the future. Together with the settlement of Chooga, they take the tentative steps of a new ge...

Crossed Plus One Hundred #4
Crossed Plus One Hundred #4

Alan Moore places his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! Future Taylor leads a salvage team that is exploring the ruins of Tennessee. She tries to piece together the past, while they gather supplies for the future. Together with the settlement of Chooga, they take the tentative steps of a new ge...

Crossed Plus One Hundred #5
Crossed Plus One Hundred #5

Alan Moore places his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! Future Taylor leads a salvage team that is exploring the ruins of Tennessee. She tries to piece together the past, while they gather supplies for the future. Together with the settlement of Chooga, they take the tentative steps of a new ge...

Crossed Plus One Hundred #6
Crossed Plus One Hundred #6

Alan Moore places his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! Future Taylor leads a salvage team that is exploring the ruins of Tennessee. She tries to piece together the past, while they gather supplies for the future. Together with the settlement of Chooga, they take the tentative steps of a new ge...

Crossed Plus One Hundred #7
Crossed Plus One Hundred #7

Alan Moore places his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! Future Taylor leads a salvage team that is exploring the ruins of Tennessee. She tries to piece together the past, while they gather supplies for the future. Together with the settlement of Chooga, they take the tentative steps of a new ge...