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Автор - Vincent Arthur Smith
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Творчество Vincent Smith

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Vincent Smith. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Культура и искусство
Art of India: 1526-1858
Art of India: 1526-1858

The Mughal dynasty, which ruled most of the Indian subcontinent during the 16th and 17th centuries, was a great promoter of arts and architecture, especially painting and decorative art. While the Taj Mahal is Mughal art?s flagship, there is much more to be discovered beyond this iconic mausoleum.

Art of India
Art of India

India, with its extensive and colourful history, has produced an artistic tradition in many forms: architecture, painting, sculpture, calligraphy, mosaics, and artisan products all display the country’s cultural, religious and philosophical richness. From Hinduism, with its pantheon of imagery of gods, goddesses, animals and many other figures, to Islam, with its astounding architecture and intric...

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