На нашем сайте представлены 7 книг автора Jordie Bellaire. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
When a secret conclave of wizards brings a legendary hero back from the forgotten past to save their dying world, they get a hero unlike anything they expected, and trigger a crisis none of them may survive.
Eisner-nominated Nowhere Men writer Eric Stephenson teams up with red-hot artist Simon Gane for an all-new ongoing series! We all have advantages over one another, but what if you were capable of things most of us can only imagine? What would you do — and who would you be? A doctor? An athlete? A soldier? A hero? Everyone has to make a choice about how to use the abilities they're born with... but...
The perfect jumping-on point for the Whedonverse with all new stories from the worlds of BOOM! Studios' hit series Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Firefly. First, Captain Malcolm Reynolds and his first mate Zoe Alleyne Washburne have a bond that was forged in blood during the war that shaped the 'Verse...but when the awful secret at the core of that bond is finally revealed and they're...
Eisner-nominated Nowhere Men writer Eric Stephenson teams up with red-hot artist Simon Gane for an all-new ongoing series! We all have advantages over one another, but what if you were capable of things most of us can only imagine? What would you do — and who would you be? A doctor? An athlete? A soldier? A hero? Everyone has to make a choice about how to use the abilities they're born with... but...
Одинокие Стрелки получили тревожное сообщение, по всей видимости, из будущего, в котором говорится о вышедшем из-под контроля смертельном вирусе. После того, как информацию подтвердили агенты ФБР Фокс Малдер и Дана Скалли, Стрелки занялись расследованием нескольких упомянутых в документах городских легенд, в том числе и о Подростках Мутантах Ниндзя Черепашках...
The premise deals with the Kree plotting to get the Inhumans to join them by using a Super-Inhuman they created to kill some of them to serve as a warning to those who don't take up their offer.
A mysterious and bloodthirsty matriarchal force runs the town of Redlands, Florida, and in order to stay on top, sacrifices must be made. Someone is intent on removing these women from the top of the food chain, and he's ready to unleash their darkest secret but has seriously underestimated the lengths the townspeople will go to protect the new order of things. Inspired by the strange comp...
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