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Автор - Kent Beck

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Творчество Kent Beck

На нашем сайте представлены 7 книг автора Kent Beck. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Planning Extreme Programming
Planning Extreme Programming

The Extreme Programming (XP) paradigm has developers doing things like programming in pairs, writing tests to verify all code, and continuously refactoring designs for improved performance. Written by two of its inventors, Planning Extreme

Refactoring: Ruby Edition
Refactoring: Ruby Edition

The Definitive Refactoring Guide, Fully Revamped for Ruby With refactoring, programmers can transform even the most chaotic software into well-designed systems that are far easier to evolve and maintain. What's more, they can do it one step at a time, through a series of simple, proven steps. Now, there's an authoritative and extensively updated version of Martin Fowler's classic refactoring bo...

Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns
Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns

The real-world style guide for better Smalltalk programming. This book presents a set of patterns that organize all the informal experience successful Smalltalk programmers have learned the hard way. When programmers understand these patterns, they can write much more effective code. The concept of Smalltalk patterns is introduced, and the book explains why they work. Next, the book introduces pro...

Implementation Patterns
Implementation Patterns

“Kent is a master at creating code that communicates well, is easy to understand, and is a pleasure to read. Every chapter of this book contains excellent explanations and insights into the smaller but important decisions we continuously have to make when creating quality code and classes.” –Erich Gamma, IBM Distinguished Engineer “Many teams have a master developer who makes a rapid stream of g...

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