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Автор - Mark Stammers
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Творчество Mark Stammers

На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Mark Stammers. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

The Handbook: The First Doctor
The Handbook: The First Doctor

Doctor Who is the world's longest-running science fiction television series. Each handbook will provide both a broad overview and a detailed analysis of one phase of the programme's history. William Hartnell was already a well-known and experienced film and television actor when, in 1963, he took on a new role: a mysterious and crotchety time traveller in a new BBC drama series for chil...

The Seventies
The Seventies

By the end of the 1960s the BBC television programme Doctor Who had enthralled a generation of children. The police telephone box and the staccato-voiced Daleks had become household icons; watching the flickering black-and-white images of alien monsters and marvels had become a Saturday teatime ritual for millions. In January 1970 Doctor Who returned for a new season - and burst into living rooms...

The Sixties
The Sixties

On 23 November 1963 a British institution was born. Almost thirty years later Doctor Who commands a following matched by no other British television programme. Yet in its early days the series had to face fierce opposition from within the BBC itself. However, the arrival of the series' most popular monsters, the Daleks - soon to become a British cult icon - helped to secure Doctor Who'...