Рэймонд Бриггс - английский иллюстратор, мультипликатор, графический романист и писатель, чьи работы пользуются огромной популярностью у взрослых и детей. Самое известное его произведение, как в Великобритании (UK), так и во всем мире - это история о Снеговике, которая так и называется, 'Снеговик' (The Snowman), детская книга без слов, которая затем легла в основу мультфильма с тем же названием. Книга, мультфильм и мюзикл о Снеговике давно и прочно стали частью британской национальной культуры, ...
Рэймонд Бриггс - английский иллюстратор, мультипликатор, графический романист и писатель, чьи работы пользуются огромной популярностью у взрослых и детей. Самое известное его произведение, как в Великобритании (UK), так и во всем мире - это история о Снеговике, которая так и называется, 'Снеговик' (The Snowman), детская книга без слов, которая затем легла в основу мультфильма с тем же названием. Книга, мультфильм и мюзикл о Снеговике давно и прочно стали частью британской национальной культуры, без них не обходится ни одно Рождество, начиная с 1978 года.
Рэймонд Бриггс родился 18 января 1934 года в Уимблдоне, Лондон, Англия (Wimbledon, London, England). Он учился в школе для мальчиков и с самого раннего детства начал рисовать комиксы. Несмотря на попытки отца заставить его отказаться от своего увлечения, которое Эрнест Бриггс (Ernest Briggs) считал неподходящей карьерой для молодого человека, Рэймонд поступил в Уимблдонскую школу искусств (Wimbledon School of Art), где изучал живопись с 1949 по 1953 год, а затем отучился в Центральном колледже искусства и дизайна Св. Мартина (Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design). Затем он два года отслужил в королевских войсках и вернулся к изучению живописи в Школе изящных искусств Слейд (Slade School of Fine Art) при Университетском колледже Лондона (University College, London), окончив ее в 1957-м.
Какое-то время Бриггс занимался живописью, но вскоре стал профессиональным иллюстратором и сосредоточился на детской литературе. В 1958 он проиллюстрировал 'Peter and the Piskies: Cornish Folk and Fairy Tales', антологию волшебных сказок, опубликованную издательством 'Oxford University Press'; а в 1966 работал над книгой 'Hamish Hamilton book of magical beasts'.
В 1961 Бриггс начал работать в Брайтонской школе искусств (Brighton School of Art) и продолжал преподавать до 1986 года.
С 2010 года Рэймонд Бриггс живет в маленьком доме в Уэстместоне, Сассекс (Westmeston, Sussex), продолжая писать и иллюстрировать книги. Несмотря на славу и признание, он живет очень скромно и одевается в магазинах подержанных вещей. Его книги расходятся огромными тиражами, но Бриггс мало что получает от этого, да деньги, по его собственным словам, его и не интересуют. В последние 30 лет его подругой была учительница по имени Лиз (Liz), однако Рэймонд никогда не раскрывал ее полного имени, чтобы защитить свою частную жизнь. Они живут отдельно друг от друга, в основном, потому что в доме и мастерской Бриггса царит творческий беспорядок.
На нашем сайте представлены 13 книг автора Рэймонд Бриггс. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Poignant, funny, and utterly original, Ethel & Ernest is Raymond Briggs's loving depiction of his parents' lives from their first chance encounter in the 1920s until their deaths in the 1970s.Ethel and Ernest are solid members of the working class, part of the generation (Brokaw's "Greatest Generation") that lived through the tumultuous era of the twentieth century. They meet during...
Everyone's favourite snowman, with a sparkly glitter cover and introduction by Raymond Briggs. One winter's night, a snowman comes to life and an unforgettable adventure begins. Raymond Briggs' favourite classic is a true piece of Christmas magic - narrated entirely through pictures, it captures the wonder and innocence of childhood and is now recognised throughout the world. In...
A new Christmas classic based on Raymond Briggs’s holiday favorite The Snowman. In this holiday picture book, a companion to Raymond Briggs’s The Snowman, a little boy builds a snow puppy next to his snowman—in hopes of getting a real puppy for Christmas. That night the Snowman comes to life and takes the boy and the Snowdog on an adventure to the world of Snow People. But the best is yet to c...
The man is a mystery in himself. He turns up at the boy's house from nowhere and seems intent on causing havoc for the boy. But as the old Chinese proverb says - after three days, fish and visitors begin to stink.
This funny, sad, yet wonderfully life-affirming story is about a misunderstood boy genius who refuses to accept the limitations of the world in which he lives. Young Ug is always on the brink of finding a better and nicer way of getting through life. Told in more than 100 colorful frames with speech balloons, much like a graphic novel but for a younger audience with witty footnotes. Illustrations.
Utterly original, deeply moving and very funny, Ethel & Ernest is the story of Raymond Brigg`s parents' marriage, from their first chance encounter to their deaths told in Brigg`s unique strip-cartoon format. Nothing is invented, nothing embroidered - this is the reality of two decent, ordinary lives of two people who, as Briggs tells the story, become representative of us all. The book is al...
Raymond Briggs' now famous bestselling comic cartoon book depicts the effects of a neuclear attack on an elderly couple in his usual humorous yet macabre way.
Imagine how tired Father Christmas is after his long night's work. What he needs is a relaxing holiday - but he quickly finds not everything goes to plan in this new Sticker story book based on the animated film of Raymond Briggs' Father Christmas. A colourful sticker book packed with stories and activities, based on the animated film of Raymond Briggs' Father Christmas and designed...
Life in Bogeydom is full of snot, smells, slime, scum and other unspeakable things, and Bogeymen live under the ground revelling in allthe nastiness imaginable. Briggs has created a whole new world in this sophisticated cartoon-strip picture book for older children which will entice the most reluctant of readers into books.
The Elephant and the Bad Baby is the classic story from Elfrida Vipont and Raymond Briggs. The Elephant takes the Bad Baby for a ride and they go 'rumpeta, rumpeta, rumpeta down the road.' They help themselves to ice creams, pies, buns, crisps, biscuits, lollipops and apples, and the shopkeepers follow them down the road shouting and waving. All ends well as the Bad Baby learns to say...
Poignant, funny, and utterly original, Ethel & Ernest is Raymond Briggs's loving depiction of his parents' lives from their first chance encounter in the 1920s until their deaths in the 1970s.Ethel and Ernest are solid members of the working class, part of the generation (Brokaw's "Greatest Generation") that lived through the tumultuous era of the twentieth century. They meet during...
Everyone's favourite snowman, with a sparkly glitter cover and introduction by Raymond Briggs. One winter's night, a snowman comes to life and an unforgettable adventure begins. Raymond Briggs' favourite classic is a true piece of Christmas magic - narrated entirely through pictures, it captures the wonder and innocence of childhood and is now recognised throughout the world. In...
A new Christmas classic based on Raymond Briggs’s holiday favorite The Snowman. In this holiday picture book, a companion to Raymond Briggs’s The Snowman, a little boy builds a snow puppy next to his snowman—in hopes of getting a real puppy for Christmas. That night the Snowman comes to life and takes the boy and the Snowdog on an adventure to the world of Snow People. But the best is yet to c...
The man is a mystery in himself. He turns up at the boy's house from nowhere and seems intent on causing havoc for the boy. But as the old Chinese proverb says - after three days, fish and visitors begin to stink.
This funny, sad, yet wonderfully life-affirming story is about a misunderstood boy genius who refuses to accept the limitations of the world in which he lives. Young Ug is always on the brink of finding a better and nicer way of getting through life. Told in more than 100 colorful frames with speech balloons, much like a graphic novel but for a younger audience with witty footnotes. Illustrations.
Utterly original, deeply moving and very funny, Ethel & Ernest is the story of Raymond Brigg`s parents' marriage, from their first chance encounter to their deaths told in Brigg`s unique strip-cartoon format. Nothing is invented, nothing embroidered - this is the reality of two decent, ordinary lives of two people who, as Briggs tells the story, become representative of us all. The book is al...
Raymond Briggs' now famous bestselling comic cartoon book depicts the effects of a neuclear attack on an elderly couple in his usual humorous yet macabre way.
Imagine how tired Father Christmas is after his long night's work. What he needs is a relaxing holiday - but he quickly finds not everything goes to plan in this new Sticker story book based on the animated film of Raymond Briggs' Father Christmas. A colourful sticker book packed with stories and activities, based on the animated film of Raymond Briggs' Father Christmas and designed...
Life in Bogeydom is full of snot, smells, slime, scum and other unspeakable things, and Bogeymen live under the ground revelling in allthe nastiness imaginable. Briggs has created a whole new world in this sophisticated cartoon-strip picture book for older children which will entice the most reluctant of readers into books.
The Elephant and the Bad Baby is the classic story from Elfrida Vipont and Raymond Briggs. The Elephant takes the Bad Baby for a ride and they go 'rumpeta, rumpeta, rumpeta down the road.' They help themselves to ice creams, pies, buns, crisps, biscuits, lollipops and apples, and the shopkeepers follow them down the road shouting and waving. All ends well as the Bad Baby learns to say...
Poignant, funny, and utterly original, Ethel & Ernest is Raymond Briggs's loving depiction of his parents' lives from their first chance encounter in the 1920s until their deaths in the 1970s.Ethel and Ernest are solid members of the working class, part of the generation (Brokaw's "Greatest Generation") that lived through the tumultuous era of the twentieth century. They meet during...
Everyone's favourite snowman, with a sparkly glitter cover and introduction by Raymond Briggs. One winter's night, a snowman comes to life and an unforgettable adventure begins. Raymond Briggs' favourite classic is a true piece of Christmas magic - narrated entirely through pictures, it captures the wonder and innocence of childhood and is now recognised throughout the world. In...
A new Christmas classic based on Raymond Briggs’s holiday favorite The Snowman. In this holiday picture book, a companion to Raymond Briggs’s The Snowman, a little boy builds a snow puppy next to his snowman—in hopes of getting a real puppy for Christmas. That night the Snowman comes to life and takes the boy and the Snowdog on an adventure to the world of Snow People. But the best is yet to c...
The man is a mystery in himself. He turns up at the boy's house from nowhere and seems intent on causing havoc for the boy. But as the old Chinese proverb says - after three days, fish and visitors begin to stink.
This funny, sad, yet wonderfully life-affirming story is about a misunderstood boy genius who refuses to accept the limitations of the world in which he lives. Young Ug is always on the brink of finding a better and nicer way of getting through life. Told in more than 100 colorful frames with speech balloons, much like a graphic novel but for a younger audience with witty footnotes. Illustrations.
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