Том ДеФалько - автор 31 книги. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Карнаж. Максимум резни, Человек-Паук. Полный гид по миру комиксов о любимом супергерое, Superman: H'el On Earth. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Отродье Венома собирает армию психически неуравновешенных врагов Человека-Паука (Падаль, Демогоблин, Визг и Доппельгангер Человека-Паука), дабы передать своё послание, предвещающее начало правления зла, хаоса и всепоглощающей резни. Оказавшись в меньшинстве, стенолаз должен собрать свою команду, чтобы дать отпор восходящей волне насилия. Его союзниками станут Чёрная Кошка, Плащ и Кинжал, Огненная ...
Если в очередной раз вас укусил радиоактивный паук, но вы так и не обрели суперсилу и "паучье-чутье", значит, вы делаете что-то не так. Это уникальное подарочное издание - полный гид по миру комиксов Человека-паука, который наконец-то раскроет перед вами все секреты Питера Паркера. Все, что вы хотели знать о любимом супергерое: неизвестные ранее факты, ключевые события с детальным описанием, по...
As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics - The New 52 event, this second volume of Superboy ties directly into the New York Times best seller TEEN TITANS storyline "The Culling" featuring the Teen Titans and the Legion of Super-Heroes! When the organization known as N.O.W.H.E.R.E. captures Superboy, the Teen Titans, and the Legion of Super-Heroes and pits the young heroes against each other to wee...
Таинственная угроза в очередной раз нависла над Нью-Йорком. Тьма сгущается над городом, пронизывает его улицы. И именно в эту судьбоносную ночь Человек-Паук решает лично доставить Хобгоблина стражам правопорядка. По пути в полицейский участок на них нападают ведомый извращенным чувством праведного возмездия Демогоблин и его неразумный подручный – Доппельгангер. Но это еще не все! Зло затаилось и п...
In this first crossover between SUPERMAN, SUPERBOY and SUPERGIRL in the New 52, a remnant of Krypton comes to Earth looking to revive the dead planet, at the cost of billions of lives.
Marvel Comics' character roster boasts some of the best known and most popular characters ever conceived-heroes that are international household names, both as comic book stars and movie stars, such as Spider-Man, the Hulk and Wolverine. This unique, one-volume encyclopedia contains more than 1000 of Marvel's greatest, with full details of their powers and their thrill-packed careers. Th...
It's a First-Issue Frenzy as Marvel collects the crime-fighting debuts of the Dazzler, Ms. Marvel, Shanna the She-Devil and the Cat - with distaff deviltry from the Enchantress and the White Queen! Plus: the Black Widow gets a new costume and the She-Hulk a new team membership, but that's nothing next to the changes Storm and Rogue undergo! Guest-starring Spider-Man, the Avengers, the X-...
Deep inside a lab run by an organization known as N.O.W.H.E.R.E., a living weapon was being developed from the DNA of the Kryptonian visitor Superman. Spliced with human DNA, this clone of Superman seemed to be a failed experiment, until it escaped and became known as Superboy. As Superman attempts to help Superboy understand and control his powers, they are set upon by another Kryptonian refugee ...
He's a wall-crawling wonder; she's a mercenary marvel! Together, they - well, get on each other's nerves, mostly - but they make a great team, as long as they're not matching blows and ideologies themselves! See their lives intertwine both in shared
Spider-Man's greatest fashion disaster continues! With his symbiotic black costume safely removed and imprisoned for study, Spidey re-dons the classic red-and-blues to battle fearsome foes including Hobgoblin, Silvermane and the Kingpin! And when the Black Cat whips him up a homemade version of his ebony ensemble, Spidey can embrace a modern look that only looks killer. But while Peter thinks...
The saga of Peter Parker and Ben Reilly continues! The true origins of Venom are revealed as his entire race of Symbiotes invades the planet! And as Mary-Jane enters the final stages of her pregnancy, will Peter decide to retire?
There's a new wall-crawler in town! Meet Ben Reilly, the Scarlet Spider, who recently learned that he's not a clone of Peter Parker after all - he's the original! And when Pete decides to hang up his web-shooters, Ben retakes the job...as Spider-Man! There's no shortage of foes to fight - including the new Dr. Octopus, Venom, Mysterio, Tombstone, Sandman, Kaine, Carnage and mor...
The Jackal is back, and Spider-Man is beside himself again! Where did the Spider-duplicate come from, and where has he been? Is he Peter Parker's dark side...or his better half? Everyone wants answers, and the cloaked killer Kaine is ready to rip them out of whoever has them! Plus: Venom and Vermin! Carnage and Chameleon! New allies, new enemies. and a new crimefighting identity! No other Spider-s...
Villains die and debut in the nineties' pivotal Spider-saga Spider-Man and the Scarlet Spider are both fighting crime, and there's plenty to go around when the Jackal arises - with more clones in the wings But following a team-up with Daredevil - who's having an identity crisis of his own - Spidey faces a fate that could wrap up his web-slinging days forever The answer may come down to one of Spid...
The Clone Sage continues as Peter Parker is put on trial for murder! A new Green Goblin debuts! The mass murderer Kaine is killed! The Jackal unleashes an entire army of Spider-Man clones, including the new and deadly Spidercide! The Gwen Stacy clone returns! Spider-Man is hunted by the Punisher! Judas Traveler and the Scrier pull Spider-Man's strings like never before! And what will Peter do when...
When Spider-Man returns from the Secret Wars with a snazzy new black suit, he's faster, stronger and has an unending inbuilt supply of webbing! All the better for tussling with foes such as the Rose, Black Fox, Red Ghost, Jack O'Lantern, Puma and the Blob! Not only that, but he's dressed to impress the Black Cat too, much to Mary Jane's dismay. But there's something about ...
Come take a look at the life of your hero, the handsome, hilarious Reggie Mantle, along with his best friend and confidant: his dog, Vader! This graphic novel collects the entire Reggie and Me mini-series by Tom DeFalco and Sandy Jarrell!
Thrill to the exploits of the greatest heroes of the 31st century, the original Guardians of the Galaxy! Join telekinetic Vance Astro, alien archer Yondu, flame-haired Mercurian Nikki, superstrong Jovian Charlie-27, crystalline Plutonian Martinex, the mysterious Starhawk and his wife Aleta as they undertake a quest to find the long-lost shield of Captain America - a mission that pits them against ...
Peter Parker lies gravely ill in a hospital bed ... so who's that swinging around the Big Apple? Ben Reilly, the former Scarlet Spider and newly christened Spider-Man! But our webbed rookie soon finds out that his new super-ID isn't going to grant him a free pass when the likes of Swarm, Will O'the Wisp, Dragon Man, the Lizard, and other baleful bad guys rear their malevolent heads! COLLECTING: AM...
Seven heroes from the 31st century have traveled back to the present day. Their mission: Save their future from annihilation. But when the future tech they brought with them fails, they find themselves trapped in a nightmarish world that, for them, is the ultimate struggle to survive! Rose Wilson and the Ravagers of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. has set their sights on the Legionnaires and intend to rid the w...
Meet the Marvel Universe's newest heroes: the coldly efficient Prodigy. The shadowy avenger known as Dusk. The hyper-kinetic, freewheeling Ricochet. The high-flying wonder called Hornet. They're here, they're hot, and they're wildly popular. There's just one catch. In order for these four heroes to live, Spider-Man must die. COLLECTING: Sensational Spider-Man 27-28, Amazin...
Meet Ben Reilly, clone of Spider-Man! When Peter Parker decides to retire, Ben takes up the job as the new web-slinger in town, the Scarlet Spider! And there's no shortage of foes waiting to fight him - including Dr. Octopus, Venom, Carnage, the new Green Goblin, Kaine, the High Evolutionary, Joystick and the Looter! Plus: The Scarlet Spider joins the New Warriors! Collecting SPIDER-MAN: THE ...
There's a new Spider-Man in town: Ben Reilly! But a new web-slinger doesn't mean fewer problems - or any less danger! Just ask the Punisher, Mysterio, the New Warriors, the Black Cat, Tombstone, Poison, Silver Sable, the Human Torch, the Sandman and Venom! It's the continuing adventures of the clone of Spider-Man! Collecting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1962) #407-408, NEW WARRIORS (1990) #6...
The Hobgoblin is back! The high-flying villain is after Norman Osborn's journals - and he's targeted Mary Jane and the pregnant Liz Osborn! Plus, Mary Jane reveals the secrets of her childhood! The Scorpion attacks as J. Jonah Jameson ties the knot! Spidey battles the symbiotic alien costume in a senses-shattering showdown! The Kingpin strikes after the Beyonder turns a skyscraper to gol...
The Beyonder's Battleworld might seem a strange place to get new threads, but it's Spider-Man who becomes unraveled when his shape-changing costume attempts to darken his life as well as his fashion sense! But ridding himself of his riotous raiment proves an even greater mistake when its alien enmity bonds with mortal madness to form our hero's most dedicated decimator! Plus: the fi...