Родился в Лисбурне в 1941, Северная Ирландия. Рос в Северном Уэльсе, и Ливерпуле. В Англии учился в университете «Святой Марии» с 1951, потом поступает в Лондонский Университет, где обучался с 1959 по 1962. Он находился под руководством Рэндольфа с 1962 по 1963. Его научные интересы включали в себя изучение английского языка, латыни и лексикографии. Особое внимание он уделял изучению трудов зарубежных и английских лингвистов. Затем он читал лекции в Бангорском университете. В 1975 г. становится ...
Родился в Лисбурне в 1941, Северная Ирландия. Рос в Северном Уэльсе, и Ливерпуле. В Англии учился в университете «Святой Марии» с 1951, потом поступает в Лондонский Университет, где обучался с 1959 по 1962. Он находился под руководством Рэндольфа с 1962 по 1963. Его научные интересы включали в себя изучение английского языка, латыни и лексикографии. Особое внимание он уделял изучению трудов зарубежных и английских лингвистов. Затем он читал лекции в Бангорском университете. В 1975 г. становится профессором. Дэвид Кристалл живет в Холихеде с женой. У него четверо взрослых детей. Его сын Бен Кристал является автором нескольких книг а также соавтором своего отца. После ухода на пенсию Кристал работает как писатель, издатель и консультант. Сейчас он является членом Мировой ассоциации учителей английского как второго языка и заслуженным вице—президентом сообщества для издателей и читателей. Он также является одним из главных издателей кембриджских учебников для студентов. Он является основателем Научного сообщества Уэльса, а также членом Университета лингвистов. Основные идеи и вклад: В своих работах Кристал выдвигает гипотезу, что различия между разновидностями английского языка в мировом масштабе будут как нивелироваться, так и углубляться, в силу чего взаимопонимание между локальными разновидностями английского постепенно будет уменьшатся. Так он пришел к заключению о необходимости создания того, что он называет мировым стандартным разговорным английским языком. Помимо научных трудов Кристал пишет в том числе стихи, пьесы и биографии. С 2001 по 2006 Кристалл занимался проблемами интернета. До сих пор он пишет, а также выступает по телевидению и радио. Он так же разработал поисковый механизм, функционирующий на принципах, которые используют сегодняшние SE-гиганты. Sense Engine — семантический механизм, который опирается не на статистику, а на смысловые отношения между словами и на взаимодействие слов и контекста, в котором они появились.
На нашем книжном сайте Вы можете скачать книги автора Дэвида Кристала в самых разных форматах (epub, fb2, pdf, txt и многие другие). А так же читать книги онлайн и бесплатно на любом устройстве – iPad, iPhone, планшете под управлением Android, на любой специализированной читалке. Электронная библиотека КнигоГид предлагает литературу Дэвида Кристала в жанрах .
На нашем сайте представлены 23 книги автора Дэвида Кристала. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
In this first book-length consideration of the Internet by a linguist, Crystal, whose Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language and over 40 other books have established him as a leading authority on language, begins with the idea that the Internet is not
With a language disappearing every two weeks and neologisms springing up almost daily, an understanding of the origins and currency of language has never seemed more relevant. In this charming volume, a narrative history, expert linguist David Crystal proves why the story of language deserves retelling. From the first words of an infant to the peculiar modern dialect of text messaging, A Little B...
Some people say "sconn", while others say "scohn". He say "bath", while she says "bahth". You say "potayto". I say "potahto". And - wait a second, no one says "potahto". No one's ever said "potahto". Have they?
A passionate champion of the English language, David Crystal invites us all to discover more about the fascinating Wordworld which is all Ground us and to celebrate its richness and'diversity: how we make sense of words and where they come from, how words vary and how they evolve, and how we play games with words. The final section gives practical advice on how we can explore this world...
World-renowned linguist and reference editor, David Crystal, brings us the third edition of "Penguin's Concise Encyclopedia". This abridgement condenses the core material in the third edition of the "Penguin Encyclopedia" which has already reached a world sales total of over 23,000 copies in hardback. David Crystal has a gift for clarity and concision which enables him to illuminate even the ...
The first edition of The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The English Language by linguist David Crystal was published in 1995. Since then it has become a publishing phenomenon, popular with language-lovers, writers, students, and teachers. The recently published second edition has been completely updated, supplemented with extensive new material on world English and Internet English, and a total of 44 n...
David Crystal's classic English as a Global Language considers the history, present status and future of the English language, focusing on its role as the leading international language. English has been deemed the most 'successful' language ever, with 1500 million speakers internationally, presenting a difficult task to those who wish to investigate it in its entirety. However, Cry...
So how can we better understand Shakespeare? David Crystal provides a lively and original introduction to Shakespeare's language, making his plays easily accessible to modern-day audiences.
The world's greatest authority on language explains the secrets and subtleties of the grammar of English. David Crystal explores its history and varieties, explains its rules and irregularities and shows how to navigate its snares and pitfalls. He gives practical guidance on how grammar is used in different ways for different purposes and in different social settings. In a series of revealing...
David Crystal investigates the nature of the impact which the Internet is making on language. There is already a widespread popular mythology that the Internet is going to be bad for the future of language - that technospeak will rule, standards be
In this first book-length consideration of the Internet by a linguist, Crystal, whose Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language and over 40 other books have established him as a leading authority on language, begins with the idea that the Internet is not
With a language disappearing every two weeks and neologisms springing up almost daily, an understanding of the origins and currency of language has never seemed more relevant. In this charming volume, a narrative history, expert linguist David Crystal proves why the story of language deserves retelling. From the first words of an infant to the peculiar modern dialect of text messaging, A Little B...
Some people say "sconn", while others say "scohn". He say "bath", while she says "bahth". You say "potayto". I say "potahto". And - wait a second, no one says "potahto". No one's ever said "potahto". Have they?
A passionate champion of the English language, David Crystal invites us all to discover more about the fascinating Wordworld which is all Ground us and to celebrate its richness and'diversity: how we make sense of words and where they come from, how words vary and how they evolve, and how we play games with words. The final section gives practical advice on how we can explore this world...
World-renowned linguist and reference editor, David Crystal, brings us the third edition of "Penguin's Concise Encyclopedia". This abridgement condenses the core material in the third edition of the "Penguin Encyclopedia" which has already reached a world sales total of over 23,000 copies in hardback. David Crystal has a gift for clarity and concision which enables him to illuminate even the ...
The first edition of The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The English Language by linguist David Crystal was published in 1995. Since then it has become a publishing phenomenon, popular with language-lovers, writers, students, and teachers. The recently published second edition has been completely updated, supplemented with extensive new material on world English and Internet English, and a total of 44 n...
David Crystal's classic English as a Global Language considers the history, present status and future of the English language, focusing on its role as the leading international language. English has been deemed the most 'successful' language ever, with 1500 million speakers internationally, presenting a difficult task to those who wish to investigate it in its entirety. However, Cry...
So how can we better understand Shakespeare? David Crystal provides a lively and original introduction to Shakespeare's language, making his plays easily accessible to modern-day audiences.
The world's greatest authority on language explains the secrets and subtleties of the grammar of English. David Crystal explores its history and varieties, explains its rules and irregularities and shows how to navigate its snares and pitfalls. He gives practical guidance on how grammar is used in different ways for different purposes and in different social settings. In a series of revealing...
David Crystal investigates the nature of the impact which the Internet is making on language. There is already a widespread popular mythology that the Internet is going to be bad for the future of language - that technospeak will rule, standards be
In this first book-length consideration of the Internet by a linguist, Crystal, whose Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language and over 40 other books have established him as a leading authority on language, begins with the idea that the Internet is not
With a language disappearing every two weeks and neologisms springing up almost daily, an understanding of the origins and currency of language has never seemed more relevant. In this charming volume, a narrative history, expert linguist David Crystal proves why the story of language deserves retelling. From the first words of an infant to the peculiar modern dialect of text messaging, A Little B...
Some people say "sconn", while others say "scohn". He say "bath", while she says "bahth". You say "potayto". I say "potahto". And - wait a second, no one says "potahto". No one's ever said "potahto". Have they?
A passionate champion of the English language, David Crystal invites us all to discover more about the fascinating Wordworld which is all Ground us and to celebrate its richness and'diversity: how we make sense of words and where they come from, how words vary and how they evolve, and how we play games with words. The final section gives practical advice on how we can explore this world...
World-renowned linguist and reference editor, David Crystal, brings us the third edition of "Penguin's Concise Encyclopedia". This abridgement condenses the core material in the third edition of the "Penguin Encyclopedia" which has already reached a world sales total of over 23,000 copies in hardback. David Crystal has a gift for clarity and concision which enables him to illuminate even the ...
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