Исмаил Кадаре - автор 40 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Генерал мертвой армии, Spring Flowers, Spring Frost, Хроніка ў камені. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Первый роман классика европейской литературы, принесший ему мировую известность и переведенный на множество языков. По роману был снят итальянский художественный фильм с Марчелло Мастроянни в главной роли. В центре Европы есть таинственная страна - здесь, среди неприступных гор, в затерянных селениях люди живут так, как жили сто или тысячу лет назад. Там правят не законы, а обычаи - обычаи, кажущ...
In a small town at the foot of the northern highlands in Albania, a decade after the fall of the Communist regime, the harsh blood-for-blood law of the fearsome Kanun mountain folk is emerging from hibernation, like everything else that was forbidden under the fifty years of Communist rule. Mysterious happenings that are two thousand years old, two centuries old, or even just two years old reemerg...
Творчасць албанскага пісьменніка Ісмаіля Кадарэ, лаўрэата адной з самых прэстыжных літаратурных узнагарод — Міжнароднай Букераўскай прэміі 2005 года, шырока вядомая ва ўсім свеце. У рамане «Хроніка ў камені», які непасрэдна спрычыніўся да сусветнай славы аўтара паўстагоддзі назад, вачыма хлопца-падлетка паказаны яго родны горад Дзіракастра за часамі італьянскай і нямецкай акупацыі ў Другую сусветн...
Исмаиль Кадарэ — многократный кандидат на получение Нобелевской премии по литературе; первый лауреат Международной Букеровской премии. Учился в университете Тираны, а затем в Литературном институте им. А.М.Горького (Москва). С 1996 г. — иностранный член Французской академии. Новелла "Прощальный подарок Зла" ("Lamtumira е së keqes") публикуется по двуязычному албанско-французскому изданию сочинений...
“Spare, suspenseful, and quietly terrifying, this is a novel that many would call Kafkaesque. . . . In The Palace of Dreams Kadare has composed a remarkable literary work of international stature."—Wall Street Journal The mysterious Palace of Dreams stands at the heart of a vast but fragile Balkan empire. Inside, workers assiduously sift, sort, classify, and ultimately interpret the dreams ...
Исторический сюжет в сочетании с современной лаконичной манерой письма придает особую привлекательность произведениям Исмаиля Кадарэ — албанского писателя, многократного претендента на Нобелевскую премию. Предлагаемая вниманию читателя новелла характерна для Кадарэ: она о волнующей не только его теме Востока и Запада, об устремлении из мира несвободы в свободный мир. Как отмечал один из французски...
In 1958, Kadare was selected to pursue his writing and literary studies as a graduate student in Moscow at the prestigious Gorky Institute for World Literature. Twilight of the Eastern Gods is Kadare's fictionalized recreation of his time spent at this "factory of the intellect," a place created to produce a new generation of poets, novelists, and playwrights, all adhering to the state-sanctioned ...
It is 1943, and the Second World War is ravaging Europe. Mussolini decides to pull out of his alliance with the Nazis, and withdraws the Italian troops occupying Albania. Soon after, Nazi forces invade Albania from occupied Greece. The first settlement in their path is the ancient stone city of Gjirokastër, an Albanian stronghold since the fourteenth century. The townsfolk have no choice but to su...
When the construction of a bridge built to link the Balkans to Europe is repeatedly and mysteriously sabotaged, an old ballad starts making the rounds at local taverns. The bards sing of a legend – a woman immured in a castle wall to prevent it from falling. Some say the bridge is being damaged by local ferrymen, others blame the vengeful water spirits. But this is a town where terror and supersti...
О конфликте между СССР и Албанией, закончившемся разрывом сначала дипломатических (1961 г.), а затем всех других отношений, нашему читателю известна только официальная точка зрения одной стороны. Роман Исмаиля Кадаре (р. 1936) дает возможность посмотреть на эти события и их главных участников - Н.Хрущева и Э.Ходжу - глазами албанцев. Что это? Исторический роман, политический детектив, повествовани...
A timely and profound reflection in fiction on war, memory, and the destiny of two peoples by "one of the most compelling novelists writing in any language" (Bruce Bawer, The Wall Street Journal). June 28, 1389: Six hundred years before Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic called for the repression of the Albanian majority in Kosovo, there took place, on the Field of the Blackbirds, a battle shrouded...
Chronicle in Stone...is epic in its simplicity; the history of a young Albanian and a primitive Albania awakening into the modern world.--Michael Dregni, Minneapolis Star Tribune
From the moment that Gjorg's brother is killed by a neighbour, his own life is forfeit: for the code of Kanun requires Gjorg to kill his brother's murderer and then in turn be hunted down. After shooting his brother's killer, young Gjorg is entitled to thirty days grace - not enough to see out the month of April. Then a visiting honeymoon couple cross the path of the fugitive. The b...
Tyranny flourishes in the shade of the pyramids. Everyone, including the Leader, lives under the iron law of slavery.
In this spellbinding novel, written in Albania and smuggled into France a few pages at a time in the 1980s, Ismail Kadare denounces with rare force the machinery of a dictatorial regime, drawing us back to the ancient roots of tyranny in Western
Two Irish-American scholars from Harvard journey to Albania in the 1930s with a tape recorder (a 'new fangled' invention) in order to record the last genuinely oral epic singers. Their purpose, they say, is to show how Homer's epics might have been culled from a verbal tradition. But the local Governor believes its an elaborate spying mission and arranges for his own spy to follow t...
At the heart of the Ottoman Empire, in the main square of Constantinople, a niche is carved into ancient stone. Here, the sultan displays the severed heads of his adversaries. People flock to see the latest head and gossip about the state of the empire: the province of Albania is demanding independence again, and the niche awaits a new trophy… Tundj Hata, the imperial courier, is charged with t...
The Designated Successor was found dead in his bedroom at dawn on December 14. Did he kill himself or was he murdered? This question slices through Ismail Kadare's masterful psychological thriller. As the state insists that the future leader died by his own hand, the rest of the world begins to have doubts. As the tension builds and rumours escalate, Kadare draws us into a nightmarish world contro...
Ksiazka nominowana do Literackiej Nagrody Europy Srodkowej Angelus ?Od dawna chcialem opisac pieklo? - Ismail Kadare. W sercu balkanskiego Imperium wznosi sie zlowieszczy Palac Snow, siedziba tajnej policji. W labiryntach pomieszczen, w nieskonczonej liczbie pokoi, na polkach, ktore wypelniaja kazdy skrawek wolnej przestrzeni, znajduja sie archiwa snow. Analiza marzen sennych sluzy policji do inw...
In Enver Hoxha's Albania, news was closely guarded and speculation forever rife. When an engineer stepped on the foot of a visiting Chinese man, a Diplomatic incident resulted, and couriers between Tirana and Beijing carried back and forth annotated X-rays of The Foot. Was the sudden tension between the two allies connected with the punishment meted out to a group of Albanian tank officers? W...
An old woman is awoken in the dead of night by knocks at her front door. She opens it to find her daughter, Doruntine, standing there alone in the darkness. She has been brought home from a distant land by a mysterious rider she claims is her brother Konstandin. But unbeknownst to her, Konstandin has been dead for years. What follows is chain of events which plunges an Albanian village into fear a...