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Автор - Barry Feinstein
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Творчество Barry Feinstein

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Barry Feinstein. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Real Moments. Bob Dylan. Фотоальбом
Real Moments. Bob Dylan. Фотоальбом

Perhaps bouncing around the Southern Californian desert back trails with motorcycle pals, Dave and Bud Ekins and Steve McQueen helped. Or slipping behind the "iron curtain" for the first images of Cold War Poland (as yet regrettably unpublished, by the way), or covering Hollywood with an uncompromising lens during the civil rights protests of the early '60s. Maybe it was while shooting the ma...

Real Moments: The Photographs of Bob Dylan
Real Moments: The Photographs of Bob Dylan

Few photographers had greater access to Bob Dylan than Barry Feinstein. Having taken the iconic photograph that appeared on Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are A-Changin" album in 1963, Feinstein was invited as the exclusive photographer on Dylan's European tour of 1966 and US tour of 1974. These photographs from these sessions and concerts, many previously unseen are included in this book.

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