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Автор - Кохэй Хорикоси

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На нашем сайте представлены 48 книг автора Кохэй Хорикоси. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

My Hero Academia, Vol. 5
My Hero Academia, Vol. 5

The final stages of the U.A. High sports festival promise to be explosive as Uraraka takes on Bakugo in a head to head match! Bakugo never gives anyone a break, and the crowd holds its breath as the battle begins. The finals will push the students of Class 1-A to their limits and beyond!

My Hero Academia, Vol. 6
My Hero Academia, Vol. 6

In the aftermath of the sports festival, the class 1-A students begin their internships. Midoriya goes to study under Gran Torino, who was once All Might’s mentor. Gran Torino appears to be a washed-up nutjob, but the old hero still has more moves than a football team, and Midoriya has a lot to learn! Elsewhere, the League of Villains enacts another sinister plot and unleashes a terrifying new ene...

My Hero Academia, Vol. 7
My Hero Academia, Vol. 7

Midoriya has learned a few tricks from Gran Torino, but some things just have to be experienced to be understood. Even though he’s not ready, when the League of Villains attacks in the town of Hosu, Midoriya rushes to help Ida, who is engaged in a life-and-death struggle with Hero Killer Stain. Stain has some very particular ideas about heroes and their place in society—and he means to purge every...

My Hero Academia, Vol. 8
My Hero Academia, Vol. 8

The U.A. students have reached the practical portion of their final exam, but they didn’t expect to have to beat their own teachers in order to pass! Paired with his archrival Bakugo, Midoriya has to try to take on none other than All Might himself. Working with Bakugo is one thing, but is giving everything he’s got to beat All Might more than Midoriya can handle? And in a nearby arena, Yaoyorozu ...

My Hero Academia, Vol. 9
My Hero Academia, Vol. 9

It’s off to summer camp for Midoriya and the U.A. students! But this is no ordinary vacation—it’s high-impact training where the students are expected to develop their Quirks even further! The teachers have set up some tough challenges, but none will be as difficult and as life changing as the threat a new group of enemies poses. What’s even worse is who the villains’ target is and why…

My Hero Academia, Vol. 10
My Hero Academia, Vol. 10

The League of Villains has grabbed Bakugo, and the resulting negative publicity has thrown U.A. into a huge uproar. With the public’s trust in heroes threatened, the faculty convene to figure out what to do. But Midoriya and the students of Class 1-A have plans of their own, even if their operation to rescue Bakugo could get them thrown out of school!

Моя геройская академия. Книга 2
Моя геройская академия. Книга 2

В академию Юэй, преодолев все защитные барьеры, проник Альянс Злодеев, желающий поквитаться со Всемогущим. Преступники и подумать не могли, что не застанут символа мира на занятии Геройского отделения. Дерзкое нападение привело к ожесточенной схватке, в которой и учителя, и ученики выложились на полную. К счастью, когда силы уже были на исходе, появился Всемогущий и заставил злодеев трепетать от у...

My Hero Academia, Vol. 1
My Hero Academia, Vol. 1

Middle school student Izuku Midoriya wants to be a hero more than anything, but he hasn’t got an ounce of power in him. With no chance of ever getting into the prestigious U.A. High School for budding heroes, his life is looking more and more like a dead end. Then an encounter with All Might, the greatest hero of them all, gives him a chance to change his destiny…

Моя геройская академия. Книга 1
Моя геройская академия. Книга 1

Много лет тому назад случилось чудо – на свет появился мерцающий младенец. С тех пор повсюду начали рождаться люди с особыми силами – причудами. Однако, увы, не все они используют свои способности во благо… К счастью, на страже порядка всегда стоят профессиональные герои, которые не позволят абсолютному злу взять верх! Хочешь стать героем, поступи в геройскую академию и раскрой свой потенциал!

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