Grace Hamilton was the girl with a plan. She knew exactly where her life was going and prided herself on always achieving her goals. It was who she was, and how she lived her life. She never stepped outside the lines, and never considered what she might desire and whom she was actually trying so hard to please. Until him . . .
Carson Stinger was a man who didn't play by any rules except hi...
When 27-year-old pop sensation Brooklyn Heart steps in front of a microphone, her love songs enchant audiences worldwide. But when it comes to her own love life, the only spell she's under is a dry one. So when her label slots her for a Grammy performance with the sexy and soulful Jason Monroe, she can't help but entertain certain fantasies... those in which her G-string gets more play t...
Прошло уже шестнадцать лет, как на глазах девятилетней Кэт Лейн погиб ее отец, но девушку до сих пор мучают кошмарные сны. И Кэт решает бросить вызов своим страхам. Пообещав умирающему отцу, что будет, по его примеру, помогать людям, она становится школьной учительницей и устраивается на работу в одну из нью-йоркских тюрем.В числе ее учеников оказывается некто Уэсли Картер: умный, обаятельный, но ...
After a car accident killed her parents when she was a child, Bronagh Murphy chose to box herself off from people in an effort to keep herself from future hurt. If she doesn't befriend people, talk to them or acknowledge them in any way they leave her alone just like she wants.
When Dominic Slater enters her life, ignoring him is all she has to do to get his attention. Dominic is used to ...
I thought things were bad and weird before—hold on—it’s getting worse. Adam and I are both going through identity crises of epic proportions as we Transition from who we were, and discover who we were meant to be. More Fae are dying, and I feel as if time is running out for us to find all of those responsible and put an end to the killings. The people I thought I could trust have betrayed me...
Мерит и Этану остро необходимо немного побыть наедине, вдали от забот Дома Кадогана, но беда имеет тенденцию следовать за ними по пятам. Их попытка романтического отпуска вскоре прерывается, когда у их двери объявляется одна из подруг-вампиров Этана — покрытая кровью и обвиняемая в убийстве ее мужа-оборотня. Мерит и ее Мастер вскоре обнаруживают, что их место отдыха гораздо менее идиллическое, чем...
Новембер с нетерпением ехала на встречу со своим отцом и той безопасностью, которая ждала ее в маленьком городке. Оставив позади Нью-Йорк и плохие воспоминания, она переезжает в Теннесси и начинает работать в стрип-клубе своего отца, занимаясь бухгалтерскими счетами. Однажды в клубе она сталкивается с Ашером Мейсоном. Он неотразим, но только до тех пор, пока не открывает свой рот и не начинает нес...
Revised copy February, 23, 2015 Have you ever heard of the old Celtic legends of the Fae - beautiful, magical, deadly and a love of messing with humans just for kicks and giggles? Welcome to my world. What started out as a strange assignment, leads to one of the most gruesome murder mysteries of our times and my friends and I are set and determined to find out who is killing off Fae and Witche...
Carter, Claire and Gavin have formed the perfect little family. Their friends are getting married and everyone is growing up, maturing and ready to face the future. Or are they? From bachelorette party hell, porn addictions, dinner roll baseball and botched wedding proposals to finding out everyone's extended family is chock full of crazy, Carter and Claire begin to question the strength of the ...
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