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James Gordon
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Batman: Damned #1
Batman: Damned #1

DC BLACK LABEL, the highly anticipated new imprint from DC Comics, starts here! The Joker is dead. There is no doubt about that. But whether Batman finally snapped his scrawny neck or some other sinister force in Gotham City did the deed is still a mystery.Problem is, Batman can’t remember…and the more he digs into this labyrinthian case, the more his mind starts to doubt everything he’s un...

Batman: Damned #3
Batman: Damned #3

The stunning conclusion to the groundbreaking miniseries by the critically acclaimed team of writer Brian Azzarello and artist Lee Bermejo is here! Batman?s most baffling case brings him face to face with his worst nightmare in this highly anticipated finale!

Batman: Damned #2
Batman: Damned #2

As Batman’s descent into the madness of Gotham City’s decadent underbelly continues, he must try to exorcise some of his demons…and who better to help than the Demon, Etrigan himself. And where there’s demons, there’s also a Deadman, a Spectre, an Enchantress and a host of other supernatural friends and foes—it’s a veritable Grand Guignol!

Batman: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 1
Batman: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 1

In the wake of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH, Batman faces his most challenging foe ever—the idealistic hero known as Gotham, who wants to save the city from Batman himself! Then, in order to retrieve Psycho-Pirate and save Gotham Girl, Batman must recruit a team from Amanda Waller to break into the most impenetrable prison in the world and steal from one of the Dark Knight’s greatest foes…Bane. The next g...