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Kyle Rayner
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Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 3: Quest for Hope
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 3: Quest for Hope

Writer Robert Venditti (THE FLASH) is joined by iconic Green Lantern artist Ethan Van Sciver (GREEN LANTERN: REBIRTH, THE FLASH: REBIRTH) and artist Rafa Sandoval (CATWOMAN) to continue the rebirth of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps! It’s a new era for the Green Lantern Corps. Based on the living planet Mogo under the leadership of John Stewart, the Corps are about to take on their tou...

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 4: Fracture
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 4: Fracture

New leader of the Sinestro Corps, Soranik Natu, daughter of Sinestro, has seen to it that her brethren set aside their murderous ways for a new mission: to police the universe alongside the Green Lanterns! Against all odds, this unlikely partnership seems to be working. Even Lanterns who recently wanted to murder each other with their bare hands—like Guy Gardner and Arkillo—are now working sid...

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1: Sinestro's Law
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1: Sinestro's Law

Fear has a color. It’s the gruesome glow of yellow, wielded by the totalitarian tyrant Sinestro and his Yellow Lanterns. And now the entire universe is bathed in its sinister light. The Sinestro Corps have replaced the Green Lanterns as the peacekeepers of the galaxy. Oa, the homeworld of the Guardians and their Green Lantern Corps, is no more. In its place at the center of the universe orbit...

Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2: Bottled Light
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2: Bottled Light

A part of DC Rebirth! Hal Jordan is about to go from the head of the Green Lantern Corps to an army of one. Jordan's long, illustrious--and tumultuous--tenure with the Corps takes several hairpin turns. At lightspeed. Toward a black hole. In a blender! For starters, the Green Lantern Corps has disappeared, and now Sinestro's own Corps enforces his uniquely brutal brand of law and ...