Set in the fictional Free Republic of Aburiria, Wizard of the Crow dramatises with searing humour nad piercing observation a battle for control of the souls of the Aburirian people. Fashioning the stories of the powerful adn the ordinary into a dazzling mosaic, Ngugi wa Thiog'o reveals humanity in all its surprising intricacy. Informed by richly enigmatic traditional African storytelling, Wizard of the Crow is a masterpiece and a major achievement in Ngugi wa Thiongo's extraordinary an...
Set in the fictional Free Republic of Aburiria, Wizard of the Crow dramatises with searing humour nad piercing observation a battle for control of the souls of the Aburirian people. Fashioning the stories of the powerful adn the ordinary into a dazzling mosaic, Ngugi wa Thiog'o reveals humanity in all its surprising intricacy. Informed by richly enigmatic traditional African storytelling, Wizard of the Crow is a masterpiece and a major achievement in Ngugi wa Thiongo's extraordinary and brave career. Книга «Wizard of the Crow» автора Нгуги Ва Тхионго оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.20 из 10.
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