In the lush, rural backdrop of Pennystown, Ethan and his neighbors lived a peaceful kind of life. Now, things have changed…drastically. Clones, spawned from a mysterious girl, are preying on the townspeople and paranormal activity is escalating into a full-blown catastrophe. As the questions pile on, only one thing remains certain-nothing will ever be the same. Книга «Girls, Volume 2: Emergence» авторов Jonathan Luna, Joshua Luna оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг состави...
In the lush, rural backdrop of Pennystown, Ethan and his neighbors lived a peaceful kind of life. Now, things have changed…drastically. Clones, spawned from a mysterious girl, are preying on the townspeople and paranormal activity is escalating into a full-blown catastrophe. As the questions pile on, only one thing remains certain-nothing will ever be the same. Книга «Girls, Volume 2: Emergence» авторов Jonathan Luna, Joshua Luna оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 6.60 из 10.
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