Homer lives in the fictional town of Centerburg. He is a mild-mannered boy who enjoys fixing radios, and who somehow gets involved in a series of outrageous incidents, such as tending an inexplicably unstoppable doughnut-making machine in his uncle's diner, or caring for mystery plants that turn out to be a giant form of allergy-inducing ragweed. He does odd jobs like raking leaves, and sweeping up the diner or the nearby barber shop. His main job is helping out in his father's busines...
Homer lives in the fictional town of Centerburg. He is a mild-mannered boy who enjoys fixing radios, and who somehow gets involved in a series of outrageous incidents, such as tending an inexplicably unstoppable doughnut-making machine in his uncle's diner, or caring for mystery plants that turn out to be a giant form of allergy-inducing ragweed. He does odd jobs like raking leaves, and sweeping up the diner or the nearby barber shop. His main job is helping out in his father's business, a motor court, where Homer also resides. Книга «Homer Price» автора Роберт Макклоски оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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