Getting Past the Slang Barrier - Travelers to Russia quickly discover that their textbook knowledge of the language will take them only so far. Most people -including highly educated people - spice their native language with large amounts of slang. If you have at least intermediate-level training in Russian, this handy book will help get you past the slang barrier. More than 5,000 common Russian slang words and colloquial expressions are presented with grammatical information, the definition in ...
Getting Past the Slang Barrier - Travelers to Russia quickly discover that their textbook knowledge of the language will take them only so far. Most people -including highly educated people - spice their native language with large amounts of slang. If you have at least intermediate-level training in Russian, this handy book will help get you past the slang barrier. More than 5,000 common Russian slang words and colloquial expressions are presented with grammatical information, the definition in English, a sentence or phrase in Russian to illustrate usage, and an English translation of the example. Because of the very nature of slang, this book necessarily contains Книга «Dictionary of Russian Slang and Colloquial Expressions» авторов Владимир Шляхов, Ив Адлер оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
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