This multi-award winning series continues the adventures as "Uncle" Usagi struggles with keeping a secret from Jotaro that everyone else seems to know. Not only do their travels bring the perils of the Neko Ninja (in hot pursuit of Chizu, ex-leader of their clan and friend to Usagi), they also have a close encounter with a new and deadly organization--the Koroshi League of Assassins. The beautiful thief Kitsune is up to her old tricks, and Usagi relates a story from his youth about a goblin swor...
This multi-award winning series continues the adventures as "Uncle" Usagi struggles with keeping a secret from Jotaro that everyone else seems to know. Not only do their travels bring the perils of the Neko Ninja (in hot pursuit of Chizu, ex-leader of their clan and friend to Usagi), they also have a close encounter with a new and deadly organization--the Koroshi League of Assassins. The beautiful thief Kitsune is up to her old tricks, and Usagi relates a story from his youth about a goblin swordmaster. Finally, an evil artist targets Jotaro with a possessed ink set in the three-part "Sumi-E" story, which features the return of Sasuke the Demon Queller! Книга «Usagi Yojimbo, Vol. 18: Travels with Jotaro» автора Стэн Сакаи оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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