When the last surviving Controllers--ancient beings who hope to outdo the Guardians at bringing justice to the universe--revive the Darkstars, the result is a force beyond even their control! Beginning with a disgraced Green Lantern who is recruited right before Hal Jordan's disbelieving eyes, the Darkstars quickly form an army of armored law enforcers who face every villain with lethal, unrelenting force ... an army whose numbers and power dwarf that of all the Lanterns combined! But whil...
When the last surviving Controllers--ancient beings who hope to outdo the Guardians at bringing justice to the universe--revive the Darkstars, the result is a force beyond even their control! Beginning with a disgraced Green Lantern who is recruited right before Hal Jordan's disbelieving eyes, the Darkstars quickly form an army of armored law enforcers who face every villain with lethal, unrelenting force ... an army whose numbers and power dwarf that of all the Lanterns combined! But while Hal Jordan, John Stewart and Kyle Rayner search the universe for unlikely allies--from the New Gods to Hector Hammond to even General Zod--the Darkstars have found an unexpected new recruit of their own! Will Guy Gardner become the one foe Hal Jordan and the Corps cannot hope to defeat? Книга «Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 7: Darkstars Rising» автора Роберт Вендитти оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.20 из 10.
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