Melaka’s been keeping up the good fight. But, now that she knows the horrible truth about the vampire that’s been stalking her, can she keep it up? No matter what she does, Melaka is not going to like it. Meanwhile, she’s on the run from the thugs and the police. This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence. Книга «FRAY #5. The Worst of It» автора Джосс Уидон оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.Для бесплатного просмотра предостав...
Melaka’s been keeping up the good fight. But, now that she knows the horrible truth about the vampire that’s been stalking her, can she keep it up? No matter what she does, Melaka is not going to like it. Meanwhile, she’s on the run from the thugs and the police. This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence. Книга «FRAY #5. The Worst of It» автора Джосс Уидон оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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