Timeless meditations on the subjects of wine, parties, birthdays, love, and friendship, Horace’s Odes, in the words of classicist Donald Carne-Ross, make the “commonplace notable, even luminous.” This edition reproduces the highly lauded translation by James Michie. “For almost forty years,” poet and literary critic John Hollander notes, “James Michie’s brilliant translations of Horace have remained fresh as well as strong, and responsive to the varying lights and darks of the originals. It is a...
Timeless meditations on the subjects of wine, parties, birthdays, love, and friendship, Horace’s Odes, in the words of classicist Donald Carne-Ross, make the “commonplace notable, even luminous.” This edition reproduces the highly lauded translation by James Michie. “For almost forty years,” poet and literary critic John Hollander notes, “James Michie’s brilliant translations of Horace have remained fresh as well as strong, and responsive to the varying lights and darks of the originals. It is a pleasure to have them newly available.” Книга «Odes: With the Latin Text» автора Квинт Гораций Флакк оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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До нас дошла лишь незначительная доля произведений некогда богатой и разнообразной литературы Древнего Египта. Она возникла на тысячелетия раньше, чем «Илиада» и «Одиссея» и многие произведения художественного творчества народов Индии и Китая. Почти 4000 лет назад была записана легенда о «Потерпевшем кораблекрушение». Другие тексты, например «Фараон Хуфу и чародеи», записаны, правда, несколько поз...
Феокрит является создателем особого жанра — идиллии (eidyllion). Слово это буквально значит «видик» (уменьшительное от eidos — «вид») и употреблялось в смысле «пьеска», «сценка». Этот жанр ведет начало от мима, но он осложнился новыми элементами. В новое время этому термину придали специальное значение описания жизни спокойной и скромной, добродетельной и свободной от сильных страстей и волнений.
История знаменитого мистика, основателя культа Гликона, Александра из Абонотейха (Ионополиса). Александр провозгласил себя толкователем воли явившегося в облике змеи бога Гликона, ипостаси бога-врачевателя Асклепия. Легковерные жители Абонотейха, куда он вернулся с большой ручной змеей с искусственно приделанной полотняной головой, построили храм для нового божества. Культ Гликона стал быстро расп...
Плиний Младший (Гай Плиний Цецилий Секунд) - римский государственный деятель, оратор, писатель. Речь "Панегирик императору Траяну" (100 г.), написанная в торжественном стиле, послужила образцом для последующих панегириков римским императорам. Первые 9 книг писем представляют собой собрание небольших литературных произведений, посвященных определенным темам: выступлению в суде или сенате, событию к...
В настоящем издании представлены восемь трактатов Галена — выдающегося римского врача и философа II—III вв., создателя теоретико-практической системы, ставшей основой развития медицины и естествознания в целом вплоть до научных открытий XVII в. Данные работы представляют собой ценный источник сведений по истории медицины протонаучного периода. Публикуемые переводы снабжены обширной вступительной с...
О государстве (лат. De re publica) - политический трактат Марка Туллия Цицерона. Важный источник для изучения античной политической мысли. Опираясь на греческие политические трактаты, Цицерон развивал идеи о трёх формах государственного устройства и о смешанной конституции на примере Римской республики. Сочинение было популярно с момента публикации (около 51 года до н. э.) вплоть до V века н. э., ...
The tales of Odysseus's struggle with a man-eating Cyclops and Circe, the beautiful enchantress who turns men into swine.
Miles Gloriosus or "Braggart Warrior" is one of the best-known and liveliest Roman comedies. It shows Plautus at his ablest in ingenious plot construction, vivid characterization, fast-moving action, and humorous dialogue. This edition of the Latin text is fully and very helpfully annotated. The substantial introduction considers the antecedents of Plautus's drama in Greek New Comedy and in I...
Miles Gloriosus or "Braggart Warrior" is one of the best-known and liveliest Roman comedies. It shows Plautus at his ablest in ingenious plot construction, vivid characterization, fast-moving action, and humorous dialogue. This edition of the Latin text is fully and very helpfully annotated. The substantial introduction considers the antecedents of Plautus's drama in Greek New Comedy and i...
Like the celebrated Klondike Tales, the stories that comprise South Sea Tales derive their intensity from the author’s own far-flung adventures, conveying an impassioned, unsparing vision borne only of experience. The powerful tales gathered here vividly evoke the turn-of-the-century colonial Pacific and its capricious tropical landscape, while also trenchantly observing the delicate interplay bet...
To this day Jack London is the most widely read American writer in the world,” E. L. Doctorow wrote in The New York Times Book Review. Generally considered to be London’s greatest achievement, The Call of the Wild brought him international acclaim when it was published in 1903. His story of the dog Buck, who learns to survive in the bleak Yukon wilderness, is viewed by many as his symbolic autobio...
This collection, unique to the Modern Library, gathers seven of Dostoevsky’s key works and shows him to be equally adept at the short story as with the novel. Exploring many of the same themes as in his longer works, these small masterpieces move from the tender and romantic White Nights, an archetypal nineteenth-century morality tale of pathos and loss, to the famous Notes from the Underground, a...
From short masterpieces like “Bartleby the Scrivener” and “Billy Budd” to more obscure, even completely unknown works like the epic poem “Clarel,” Melville’s stories and poems rank among his greatest and most gripping work. This unique anthology–the first of its kind in fifty years–gathers together all of Melville’s tales, as well as a judiciously edited array of his prose poems, literary criticis...
The complexity and range of Robert Louis Stevenson’s short fiction reveals his genius perhaps more than any other medium. Here, leading Stevenson scholar Barry Menikoff arranges and introduces the complete selection of Stevenson’s brilliant stories, including the famed masterpiece Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, as well as “The Beach of Falesá” and Stevenson’s previously uncollected stori...
‘I think I shall be among the English Poets after my death,’ John Keats soberly prophesied in 1818 as he started writing the blankverse epic Hyperion. Today he endures as the archetypal Romantic genius who explored the limits of the imagination and celebrated the pleasures of the senses but suffered a tragic early death. Edmund Wilson counted him as ‘one of the half dozen greatest English writers,...
As a young man in the summer of 1897, Jack London joined the Klondike gold rush. From that seminal experience emerged these gripping, inimitable wilderness tales, which have endured as some of London’s best and most defining work. With remarkable insight and unflinching realism, London describes the punishing adversity that awaited men in the brutal, frozen expanses of the Yukon, and the extreme t...
A Woman Killed with Kindness by Thomas Heywood Volpone by Ben Jonson The Revenger’s Tragedy by Cyril Tourneur The Maid’s Tragedy by John Fletcher and Francis Beaumont A Chaste Maid in Cheapside by Thomas Middleton The Duchess of Malfi by John Webster The Changeling by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley The lyrical, bloodthirsty tragedies and witty urban comedies in this original collecti...
"There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex. Might as well speak of a female liver."–Charlotte Perkins Gilman Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935), a leading figure in the women’s movement of the early twentieth century, is a pillar of the American feminist canon. This edition of her work includes her best-known story, "The Yellow Wall-paper," a terrifying tale about a woman driv...
Oscar Wilde created his final and most lasting play, comic masterpieces of all time, THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST, in 1895. Considered one of the greatest THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST is a farce, playing with love, religion, and truth as it tells the tale of two men. Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff, who bend the truth in order to add excitement to their lives. Jack invents an imaginary ...
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