Set in a dystopian future, humanity has escaped the decaying physical landscape of Earth by transferring its collective conciseness into the digital world known as the Cyberside. Though designed to be a utopia, the Cyberside has quickly devolved into a chaotic, dangerous digital landscape. The story follows two main characters: a monster hunter, James Reynolds, and an "information vampire", Matilda. James has lived his entire life in the Cyberside as his stoic, no-nonsense persona, “Taciturn.” M...
Set in a dystopian future, humanity has escaped the decaying physical landscape of Earth by transferring its collective conciseness into the digital world known as the Cyberside. Though designed to be a utopia, the Cyberside has quickly devolved into a chaotic, dangerous digital landscape. The story follows two main characters: a monster hunter, James Reynolds, and an "information vampire", Matilda. James has lived his entire life in the Cyberside as his stoic, no-nonsense persona, “Taciturn.” Matilda, on the other hand, is a frenzied bundle of emotions and desires. Originally hired to eliminate the Matilda, James finds himself at the center of a diabolical conspiracy. Together they will journey to reload the supervising AI System and unveil the mystery behind its original architecture. Книга «Cyberside» авторов Алексей Савченко, Берт Дженнингс оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
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