As Wonder Woman settles into her new life in Gateway City, battling villains and disasters alike alongside the mysterious superhero Champion, an ancient shield is stolen from the museum of antiquities and the Earth's crust shifts by a mile! Discovering a connection between these two events, Wonder Woman seeks the help of the world leading expert in geology and underground exploration, Cave Carson! Wonder Woman returns from her globetrotting adventures only to be attacked by Cheetah. Can Wonde...
As Wonder Woman settles into her new life in Gateway City, battling villains and disasters alike alongside the mysterious superhero Champion, an ancient shield is stolen from the museum of antiquities and the Earth's crust shifts by a mile! Discovering a connection between these two events, Wonder Woman seeks the help of the world leading expert in geology and underground exploration, Cave Carson! Wonder Woman returns from her globetrotting adventures only to be attacked by Cheetah. Can Wonder Woman save the corrupt soul of Barbara Minerva before her feral persona destroys the Amazonian princess? Most terrifying of all, a sudden illness strikes Wonder Woman and her Amazonian sisters, turning them into stone. Now, it's a race against time to save herself and the Amazons before it is too late! Книга «Wonder Woman by John Byrne Vol. 2» автора Джон Бирн оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.80 из 10.
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