"Insight into IELTS" offers comprehensive preparation for the International English Language Testing System, known as IELTS. The course progressively develops skills and language for each test paper by examining the four IELTS papers one by one, including both Academic and General Training modules for the Reading and Writing papers. While keeping examination needs in mind throughout, Insight into IELTS also introduces students to the types of communication tasks which they are likely to me...
"Insight into IELTS" offers comprehensive preparation for the International English Language Testing System, known as IELTS.
The course progressively develops skills and language for each test paper by examining the four IELTS papers one by one, including both Academic and General Training modules for the Reading and Writing papers.
While keeping examination needs in mind throughout, Insight into IELTS also introduces students to the types of communication tasks which they are likely to meet in an English-speaking study environment.
"Insight into IELTS":
adopts a systematic approach to preparing for IELTS. By exploring the exam paper by paper, and looking in detail at the task types candidates will meet, the course gradually builds up the skills, language and exam techniques that students will need to deal successfully with each task type; -
provides extensive practice material for the test: exam-type exercises are a regular feature of the course, and are clearly signalled, so that students know which part of the exam is being practiced; -
contains supplementary activities for further practice or homework; -
finishes with a full IELTS practice test; -
is equally suitable for use as a course book in the classroom or at home. A detailed introduction to the exam, with overviews of each module, together with helpful advice on how to approach it, and a thorough answer key make the course easy to use as self-study material; -
prepares students for studies abroad by reflecting the broader range of language students will encounter at an English-speaking university or college.
Формат издания: 22 см х 27,5 см. Книга «Insight into IELTS» авторов Vanessa Jakeman, Clare McDowell оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
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