Following the war with Atrocitus and his renegade Red Lanters, Guy Gardner finds himself in a Corps of one as he is one of the only remaining Red Lanterns. With no direction, Guy returns home to Earth to deliver his own brand of justice. But a new and almost unstoppable threat arrives as it's Sinestro, Green Lanterns and Guy Gardner vs the New Gods! Collects Action Comics #30-34, Action Comics Annual #3. Книга «Red Lanterns Vol. 6: Forged in Blood» авторов Чарльз Соул, Landry Q. Walker оцен...
Following the war with Atrocitus and his renegade Red Lanters, Guy Gardner finds himself in a Corps of one as he is one of the only remaining Red Lanterns. With no direction, Guy returns home to Earth to deliver his own brand of justice. But a new and almost unstoppable threat arrives as it's Sinestro, Green Lanterns and Guy Gardner vs the New Gods! Collects Action Comics #30-34, Action Comics Annual #3. Книга «Red Lanterns Vol. 6: Forged in Blood» авторов Чарльз Соул, Landry Q. Walker оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 7.60 из 10.
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