Stan Sakai's wandering rabbit ronin faces his toughest battles yet in this seventh installment of the definitive compilations! This riveting volume includes the stories "Traitors of the Earth," in which Miyamoto Usagi faces a terrifying horde of the undead, "A Town Called Hell," wherein Usagi must win peace for villagers caught between two competing gang lords, "Those Who Tread on the Scorpion's Tail," which pits Usagi against the notorious Red Scorpions and their shadowy leader, and m...
Stan Sakai's wandering rabbit ronin faces his toughest battles yet in this seventh installment of the definitive compilations! This riveting volume includes the stories "Traitors of the Earth," in which Miyamoto Usagi faces a terrifying horde of the undead, "A Town Called Hell," wherein Usagi must win peace for villagers caught between two competing gang lords, "Those Who Tread on the Scorpion's Tail," which pits Usagi against the notorious Red Scorpions and their shadowy leader, and much more! Книга «Usagi Yojimbo Saga: Volume 7» автора Стэн Сакаи оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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