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The story of Elana and Taka… yielding to lies, surrounded by friends, who soon become her executioners, she leaves beloved husbend Taka, whom she selflessly guarded her whole life, compelled to watch his death from a distance being unable to help… When I first heard the suggestion from Ian Layton that we do a story on Elanna’s exile, I didn’t know whether to shout “Never!” or “Let’s do it!” The project, by its very nature, was chock full of challenges and rewards. But as his pitch was laced w...

The story of Elana and Taka… yielding to lies, surrounded by friends, who soon become her executioners, she leaves beloved husbend Taka, whom she selflessly guarded her whole life, compelled to watch his death from a distance being unable to help… When I first heard the suggestion from Ian Layton that we do a story on Elanna’s exile, I didn’t know whether to shout “Never!” or “Let’s do it!” The project, by its very nature, was chock full of challenges and rewards. But as his pitch was laced with some specific suggestions that intrigued me, and I had little chance fighting the temptation. The idea took hold of me, and I was no longer in control of the project, it was in control of me! It was fun while it lasted. In addition to the story line itself, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to work with Ian on something canon to the Chronicles of the Pride Lands. Dave and I had become very comfortable with each other’s style—Ian added a unique note to the theme that kept us on our toes. He has been a good friend to both of us, and I think I speak for Dave too that the experience has been fascinating. — John Burkitt, Nashville, Tennessee What is it about Elanna? What is it about a character who has repeatedly come back in our minds over and over, demanding her tale be released to the world? Perhaps it is the agony of her pain which makes us sympathize with her… or the depth of her love that sustains her through it… or perhaps it is the iron will that holds her up even in the darkest hours, refusing to succumb to despair… something that inspires us all as we yearn for our happy time in the sun. The time has finally come round for Elanna to have hers… and we’ve been invited along. Won’t you join us? — David Morris, Wilmington, North Carolina Through the past few months, I have been through some bad times. From pressure at school, to my vehicle, and then to my computer, everything seemed to pile on me all at once. Throughout that time, I learned that I had many close friends, willing to do almost anything for me in my times of pain. Two of them, and among the closest, are John and Dave. I really don’t know what I would have done without you two being there for me to talk to. Through all the Ugas jokes and bad puns, thank you. Now about the story… I was on IRC one night when ideas started to be flung around by some people for an idea for another ‘Chronicles’ story. Someone mentioned Elanna and my wheels began to spin. The next day, I sent an e-mail to Dave with an idea for an Elanna story. He told me to forward it to John which I did. The idea was all I had planned for my part of the project, but before I knew it I was drug into the project as a writer. I would say it was a very interesting experience working with two people with different writing styles from my own… and very rewarding. Finally I give my thanks to the Disney corporation for making the movie which this series of stories is based on. For better or worse, ‘The Lion King’ has affected me far beyond what I ever thought possible for a mere movie. — Ian ‘Rama’ Layton, La Vergne, Tennessee http://snowlands.ru/en/library/chronicles/classic.htm Книга «Touch of the Nisei (book 8)» авторов David Morris, Ian Layton, John Burkitt оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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  • Просмотров: 122
  • Рецензий: 0
Информация об издании
  • Переводчики: не указаны
  • Серия: Chronicles of the Pride Lands
  • ISBN (EAN): не указаны
  • Языки: не указаны
  • Возрастное ограничение: не указано
  • Год написания: 1997
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Legacy of Ahadi (book 1)
Legacy of Ahadi (book 1)

The first and main part of “Chronicles of the Pride Lands,” also known as “Legacy of Ahadi,” tells us the story of Mufasa and Taka. Unconditional brotherly love and friendship, that kept them all together, unrequited love and brutal intrusion of evil spirit into their lives. John H. Burkitt With stirred emotions I watched the pagentry and color that was The Lion King. Secretly I harbored the...

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Shadow of the Makei (book 3)

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The Change (book 6)
The Change (book 6)

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The Leonid Saga (book 5)
The Leonid Saga (book 5)

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Under the Acacias (book 4)

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