Structural anthropology, in contrast to cultural anthropology, is developing a science of society and culture that owes much to the modern science of linguistics and that examines not the contents of the items of social behavior but the relationships among them. Claude Levi-Strauss is perhaps the most distinguished contemporary structural anthropologist, and in this book, which he himself considers his most representative, he comprehensively demonstrates the application of this method to a wide ...
Structural anthropology, in contrast to cultural anthropology, is developing a science of society and culture that owes much to the modern science of linguistics and that examines not the contents of the items of social behavior but the relationships among them. Claude Levi-Strauss is perhaps the most distinguished contemporary structural anthropologist, and in this book, which he himself considers his most representative, he comprehensively demonstrates the application of this method to a wide range of anthropological concerns -- kinship, social organization, religion, mythology, art. Книга «Structural Anthropology» автора Клод Леви-Стросс оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
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