Finally, the adjoining door to the blue drawing room opens and Her Majesty Queen Lenora stands in the doorway.
There’s a species of monkey indigenous to the Colombian rain forest that’s one of the most adorable-looking animals you’ll ever see—its cuteness puts fuzzy hamsters and small dogs on Pinterest to shame. Except for its hidden razor-sharp teeth and its appetite for human eyeballs. Those lured in by the beast’s precious appearance are doomed to lose theirs.
My grandmother is a lot like those vicious little monkeys.
She looks like a granny—like anyone’s granny. Short and petite, with soft poofy hair, small pretty hands, shiny pearls, thin lips that can laugh at a dirty joke, and a face lined with wisdom. But it’s the eyes that give her away.
Gunmetal gray eyes.
The kind that back in the day would have sent opposing armies fleeing. Because they’re the eyes of a conqueror…undefeatable.
“Nicholas. ”
I rise and bow. “Grandmother. ”
She breezes past Christopher without a look. “Leave us. ”
I sit after she does, resting my ankle on the opposite knee, my arm casually slung along the back of the chair.
“I saw your interview,” she tells me. “You should smile more. You used to seem like such a happy boy. ”
“I’ll try to remember to pretend to be happier. ”
She opens the center drawer of her desk, withdrawing a keyboard, then taps away on it with more skill than you’d expect from someone her age. “Have you seen the evening’s headlines?”
“I haven’t. ”
She turns the screen toward me. Then she clicks rapidly on one news website after another.
The last one is paired with the unmistakable picture of my brother diving into a swimming pool—naked as the day he was born.
I lean forward, squinting. “Henry will be horrified. The lighting is terrible in this one—you can barely make out his tattoo. ”
My grandmother’s lips tighten. “You find this amusing?”
Mostly I find it annoying. Henry is immature, unmotivated—a slacker. He floats through life like a feather in the wind, coasting in whatever direction the breeze takes him.
I shrug. “He’s twenty-four, he was just discharged from service…”
Mandatory military service. Every citizen of Wessco—male, female, or prince—is required to give two years.
“He was discharged
“Have you tried calling his mobile?”
“Of course I have. ” She clucks. “He answers, makes that ridiculous static noise, and tells me he can’t hear me. Then he says he loves me and hangs up. ”
My lips pull into a grin. The brat’s entertaining—I’ll give him that.
The Queen’s eyes darken like an approaching storm. “He’s in the States—Las Vegas—with plans to go to Manhattan soon. I want you to go there and bring him home, Nicholas. I don’t care if you have to bash him over the head and shove him into a burlap sack, the boy needs to be brought to heel. ”
I’ve visited almost every major city in the world—and out of all of them, I hate New York the most.