The X-Men get up to the delicate art of living as the Sisterhood get up to the delicate art of killing. The Science Team gets to work, trying very hard not to kill one another first. Simon Trask gains traction in the California state legislature, muscling Proposition X to an emergency ballot vote. If it passes, mutants past and present, powered and otherwise, won't be allowed to breed... all this and a friend returns as a foe and ready for murder. Oh, things are getting ugly. Книга «Uncanny...
The X-Men get up to the delicate art of living as the Sisterhood get up to the delicate art of killing. The Science Team gets to work, trying very hard not to kill one another first. Simon Trask gains traction in the California state legislature, muscling Proposition X to an emergency ballot vote. If it passes, mutants past and present, powered and otherwise, won't be allowed to breed... all this and a friend returns as a foe and ready for murder. Oh, things are getting ugly. Книга «Uncanny X-Men: Sisterhood» авторов Мэтт Фрэкшн, Грег Ленд оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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